1. STUMBLE (VERB): bumble (गिर पड़ना)
Synonyms: fall, falter
Antonyms: straighten, fix
Example sentence:
She stumbled on the stairs for she was feeling drowsy.
2. CONTINGENT (NOUN): unforeseen (अनिश्चित)
Synonyms: accidental, incidental
Antonyms: certain, definite
Example sentence:
The contingent nature of the job.
3. SCRIM (NOUN): background (परिप्रेक्ष्य)
Synonyms: backdrop, sackings
Antonyms: center, limelight
Example sentence:
Google appears against this backdrop.
4. VENIAL (ADJECTIVE): pardonable (क्षमणीय)
Synonyms: allowable, forgivable
Antonyms: inexcusable, unforgivable
Example sentence:
The cuss word the nonright-wingers are using is sheer venial.
5. SECULAR (ADJECTIVE): worldly (संसारी)
Synonyms: not spiritual, profane
Antonyms: religious, spiritual
Example sentence:
Both secular and religious institutions can apply for the funds.
6. SWAY (NOUN): predominance (प्रभाव)
Synonyms: strong influence, command
Antonyms: powerlessness, inefficiency
Example sentence:
Her performance created a strong sway over the audience.
7. ASSERTION (NOUN): affirmation (दृढ़-वचन)
Synonyms: assurance, guarantee
Antonyms: doubt, confusion
Example sentence:
Pushkar gave me assurance that he would manage everything.
8. RESORT (VERB): make use of (प्रयोग करना)
Synonyms: affect, apply
Antonyms: abstain, ignore
Example sentence:
He will resort the new theory he only developed gradually.
9. CHOP (VERB): mince (काटना)
Synonyms: slash, divide
Antonyms: join, unite
Example sentence:
Mash or chop the berries, as preferred, and add the sugar to them.
10. OBSERVATION (NOUN): attention (निगरानी)
Synonyms: examination, inspection
Antonyms: ignorance, heedlessness
Example sentence:
The tendency of my thought, based on observation, is to conservatism.