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Financial Year Closing Offer Live!!

Mahendra Guru
Dear Readers,

As Mahendras has been bringing various offers for you all, we are again back with the last offer of this financial year i.e. Financial Year Closing Offer. This offer will provide you various speed test cards at very less prices. You can avail this offer on So, hurry up and grab the offer.

All About Offer

Offer Date and Timings- The offer will be valid from 12.00 am on 29th March 2019 and will be active till 11.59 pm on 30th March 2019.

You can avail various discounts under the offer using PROMOCODES. Following are the different speed test cards and promocodes under the offer.

1. VIDEO GURU BANK-ALL IN ONE- This card is valid for 1 year.

Original Price- Rs 15000

Offer Price- Rs 3499

Promocode- BSRAIN1568C9

2. VIDEO GURU SSC-ALL IN ONE- This card is valid for 1 year.

Original Price- Rs 15000

Offer Price- Rs 3499

Promocode- BSRAIN1568C9

3. VIDEO GURU RAILWAY-ALL IN ONE- This card is valid for 1 year.

Original Price- Rs 15000

Offer Price- Rs 3499

Promocode- BSRAIN1568C9

4. VIDEO GURU SSC CHSL- This card is valid for 1 year.

Original Price- Rs 7000

Offer Price- Rs 1999

Promocode- VGCHSL5F09A4

5. ALL IN ONE SPEED TEST CARD FOR 1 YEAR- This card is valid for 1 year.

Original Price- Rs 3500

Offer Price- Rs 499

Promocode- AIOST1D73F46

6. ALL IN ONE SPEED TEST CARD FOR 2 YEARS- This card is valid for 2 years.

Original Price- Rs 5000

Offer Price- Rs 999

Promocode- AIOST20046DD

For Further details, call on our toll free number 1800 103 5225.

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