Dear Aspirants,
As IBPS has released the its official calendar of Online CWE for RRBs and PSBs examinations 2019, so its high time to start preparations for the coming year. Looking at the calendar, we have now started subject-wise quizzes for the exam. It will include quizzes of all the subjects- Quantitative Aptitude, English, Reasoning and Computer. All these quizzes will be strictly based on the latest pattern of all the upcoming competitive exams and will be beneficial for your preparations. So, keep following the quizzes which will provide you a set of 10 questions daily.
Here, we are providing you important questions of Quantitative Aptitude for all banking exams.
Q-(1-5) Find the wrong term.
गलत पद ज्ञात कीजिये।
Q1. 4885 3516 4607 3764 4389 3948
- 4885
- 3948
- 3764
- 3516
- 4607
Q2. 83 153 470 1872 9362 56167
- 1872
- 470
- 153
- 83
- 56167
Q3. 17 16 40 93 438 2055
- 2055
- 438
- 17
- 16
- 40
Q4. 17576 13824 10648 8000 5833 4096
- 10648
- 17576
- 4096
- 5833
- 8000
Q5. 28 25 70 336 2340 21045
- 25
- 336
- 28
- 70
- 21045
Q6. Walking at
of her normal speed Manya takes 2 hours more than normal time. What is the normal time?
मान्या अपनी सामान्य गति की
चाल से चलती है तो उसे 2 घण्टे अधिक लगते है। सामान्य समय क्या है?
- 4 h
- 5 h
- 7.5 h
- 6 h
- None 0f these
Q7. A man reduces his speed from 20 km/h to 18 km/h. So, he takes 10 minutes more than the normal time. What is the distance travelled by him?
एक आदमी अपनी गति 20 किमी / घंटा से 18 किमी / घंटा कर देता है। तो, वह सामान्य समय से 10 मिनट अधिक लेता है।उसके द्वारा तय की गई दूरी क्या है?
- 30 km
- 45 km
- 40 km
- 50 km
- None of these
Q8. If Rahul had walked 20 km/h faster he would have saved 1 hour in the distance of 600 km. What is the usual speed of Rahul?
यदि राहुल 20 किमी / घंटा तेजी से चलता है तो वह 600 किमी की दूरी तय करने में 1 घंटे समय कम लेता है। राहुल की सामान्य चाल क्या है ?
- 120 km/h
- 80 km/h
- 100 km/h
- 75 km/h
- None of these
Q9. Harsha takes 3 hours more than Bharat, who drives his car 5 km/h faster than Harsha drives, to cover 180 km distance. What is the speed of Harsha?
हर्षा, भरत से 3 घंटे अधिक समय लेती है, जो 180 की दूरी तय करने में हर्षा से 5 किमी /घंटा अधिक तेज़ गाडी चलाता है। हर्षा की गति क्या है ?
- 12 km/h
- 10 km/h
- 15 km/h
- 20 km/h
- None of these
Q10. What is the time required by a train of length of 350m to cross an electric pole with a speed of 70 m/s?
350 मीटर की एक ट्रेन 70 मीटर प्रति सेकंड की चाल से एक इलेक्ट्रिक पोल को पार करने में कितना समय लेगी?
- 12 s
- 8 s
- 10 s
- 5 s
- None of these
Answer Key-
Q1. (5)
-372, +332, -292, +252, -212
Q2. (1)
×2 -13, ×3 +11, ×4 - 9, ×5 +7, ×6 - 5
Q3. (2)
×1 -13, ×2 +23, ×3 -33, ×4 +43, ×5 -53
Q4. (4)
263, 243, 223, 203, 183, 163
Q5. (4)
×1 - 3, ×3 - 6, ×5 - 9, ×7 - 12, ×9 - 15
Q6. (4)
Let initial speed and time of Manya is S2 and t2 respectively
Speed and time of Manya is after S2 and t2 respectively.
From the question- S2=3/4 S1 and t2= t1+2
And S1 xt1=S2x t2=> on solving t1=3/4 (t1+2)
t1= 6 hours
Q7. (1)
Using formula - S1 x t1=S2 x t2
Hence distance =
Q8. (3)
S1 x S2= distance × 
Hence factorise in such a manner that the difference between both speed is 20 we get, S1 =100km/h, S2= 120 km/h
Speed of Rahul=100 km/h
Q9. (3)
S1 x(S1+5)= 
S1=15 km/h
Q10. (4)
Time required = 