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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 13-03-19

Mahendra Guru
1. LEITMOTIF (NOUN): (पदार्थ/ विषय-वस्तु) subject matter 

Synonyms: stuff, material 

Antonyms: exterior, exteriority 

Example Sentence: 

There are two leitmotifs behind the air strike by IAF in Pakistan. 

2. IDYLL (NOUN): (आराम) lull 

Synonyms: respite, hiatus 

Antonyms: start, beginning 

Example Sentence: 

Portugal obtained a respite from civil strife. 

3. PANDEMIC (ADJECTIVE): (आम/ देशव्यापी) universal 

Synonyms: common, general 

Antonyms: abnormal, unusual 

Example Sentence: 

it showed no power of pandemic diffusion. 

4. TUTELARY (ADJECTIVE): (संरक्षी) Protecting 

Synonyms: guardian, advisory 

Antonyms: careless, inattentive 

Example Sentence: 

He is using tutelary fabian policy in his company. 

5. DEEMING (VERB): (मान लेना) 

Synonyms: regard, consider 

Antonyms: disregard, disbelieve 

Example Sentence: 

Deeming their demands inconvenient, the speaker soon found occasion to suspend the council once more. 

6. QUANTUM (NOUN): (मात्रा) Quantity 

Synonyms: sum, amount 

Antonyms: part, whole 

Example Sentence: 

While quantum energy could not be measured fully, the scientist continued to work on the experiment. 

7. PRECINCT (NOUN): (प्रसीमा) Department 

Synonyms: area, ward 

Antonyms: whole, full 

Example Sentence: 

I am working in this precinct. 

8. PROCLIVITY (NOUN): (इच्छा/प्रवृत्ति) Inclination 

Synonyms: penchant, predilection 

Antonyms: dislike, hate 

Example Sentence: 

Your proclivity towards him is getting on my nerves. 

9. APPENDAGE (NOUN): (जोड़ी हुई वस्तु) accessory 

Synonyms: adjunct, addendum 

Antonyms: reduction, subtraction 

Example Sentence: 

The hair is a superficial appendage of simple structure, which may be borne by any of the other members. 

10. QUIETUDE (NOUN): (शांति/संतोष) Calm 

Synonyms: doldrums, hush 

Antonyms: disturbance, agitation 

Example Sentence: 

Be quietude don’t escape your lips.

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