1. WINDSWEPT (ADJECTIVE): cold (तेज़ हवा वाला)
Synonyms: freezing, biting
Antonyms: warm, hot
Example Sentence:
This will give your room a wispy, windswept feel, especially if the windows are open and there is a light breeze.
2. SNEAK (NOUN): louse (कायर)
Synonyms: coward, cheat
Antonyms: honest person, genuine person
Example Sentence:
He called the principal witness a liar and a sneak.
3. UTOPIA (NOUN): bliss (आदर्शलोक)
Synonyms: paradise, ideal place
Antonyms: hell, place of the condemned
Example Sentence:
I live in a utopia.
4. SLING (VERB): throw (वेग से फेंकना)
Synonyms: hoist, hurl
Antonyms: receive, keep
Example Sentence:
When I tried to do it with the sling on, I lost my balance.
5. DISGRUNTLED (ADJECTIVE): unhappy (चिड़चिड़ा)
Synonyms: irritated, testy
Antonyms: pleased, happy
Example Sentence:
Judges receive letters from disgruntled members of the public.
6. POUND (VERB): batter (चूर चूर करना)
Synonyms: belabor, drub
Antonyms: be still, be calm
Example Sentence:
Patrick pounded the couch with his fists.
7. LOUT (NOUN): boor (गंवार)
Synonyms: brute, slob
Antonyms: gentle, mild
Example Sentence:
Satish is a lout.
8. STEREOTYPED (ADJECTIVE): banal (घिसा-पिटा)
Synonyms: dull, hackneyed
Antonyms: fresh, new
Example Sentence:
It was a stereotyped movie.
9. VEHEMENCE (NOUN): passion (उत्साह)
Synonyms: fervor, frenzy
Antonyms: peace, peacefulness
Example Sentence:
The vehemence of his temper was controlled by an affectionate disposition.
10. ESPOUSE (VERB): defend (अपनाना)
Synonyms: advocate, uphold
Antonyms: attack, refuse
Example Sentence:
She espoused the causes of justice and freedom for all.