1. KNACK (NOUN): talent (कौशल)
Synonyms: attitude, dexterity
Antonyms: inability, ineptness
Example Sentence:
He had a knack for communicating.
2. OFFLOAD (VERB): cheat (धोख़ा देना)
Synonyms: deceive, mislead
Antonyms: save, protect
Example Sentence:
I didn't intend to offload people into thinking it was a pug.
3. COALESCE (VERB): consolidate (संगठित होना)
Synonyms: integrate, unite
Antonyms: divide, separate
Example Sentence:
Local high school principals have agreed to coalesce around new approaches for college preparation.
4. FAMINE (NOUN): hunger (भुखमरी)
Synonyms: starvation, dearth
Antonyms: abundance, plenty
Example Sentence:
Drought resulted in famine throughout the region.
5.POIGNANT(ADJECTIVE): tear-jerking (मर्मस्पर्शी)
Synonyms: disturbing, mournful
Antonyms: cheerful, unmoving
Example Sentence:
The father of the murder victim bade a poignant farewell to his son.
6. ENCOMIUM (NOUN): praise (गुणगान)
Synonyms: accolade, compliment
Antonyms: blame, condemnation
Example Sentence:
An IIT qualified was showered encomium on his grand success.
7. OUTDO (VERB): excel (आगे निकल जाना)
Synonyms: outclass, outshine
Antonyms: fail, lose
Example Sentence:
The men tried to outdo each other in their generosity.
8. ASPHYXIATE (VERB): cut off air (दम घुटना)
Synonyms: smother, stifle
Antonyms: breathe, loosen
Example Sentence:
Ankur died because someone asphyxiated his oxygen cylinder.
9. COROLLARY (NOUN): conclusion (स्वाभाविक परिणाम)
Synonyms: analogy, aftereffect
Antonyms: beginning, commencement
Example Sentence:
The huge increases in unemployment were the corollary of expenditure cuts.
10. RAMMED (VERB): bang into (टक्कर मारना)
Synonyms: pack forcibly, smash
Antonyms: stop, halt
Example Sentence:
The stolen car rammed into the front of the house.
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