1. SIEGE (VERB): (परेशान करना) annoy
Synonyms: beset, plague
Antonyms: make happy, please
Example Sentence:
Nothing can siege me like irritating drivers who text while behind the wheel.
2. CONGENIAL (ADJECTIVE): (मिलनसार) sociable
Synonyms: friendly, good-natured
Antonyms: unsociable, unfriendly
Example Sentence:
We must try to be congenial in our lives so that we can earn a good image in the society.
3. ALLOCATION (NOUN): (आवंटन) allotment
Synonyms: distribution, appropriation
Antonyms: retention, acquisition
Example Sentence:
They will take care of the allocation for the resources, don’t worry.
4. FRAGMENTED (VERB): (तोड़ना) break into pieces
Synonyms: shatter, disintegrate
Antonyms: combine, unite
Example Sentence:
Lough Erne fragmented into a series of lakes.
5. OBLIVIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (भूलने वाला) unconcerned
Synonyms: ignorant, inattentive
Antonyms: concerned, attentive
Example Sentence:
The people who are oblivious to others, are bound to be treated badly.
6. GALL (NOUN): (ध्रष्टता) arrogance
Synonyms: impudence, brazenness
Antonyms: humility, modesty
Example Sentence:
Anuj’s gall is the reason of his failure and he needs to improve it.
7. ATROCITY (NOUN): (नृशंसता) barbarity
Synonyms: horror, heinousness
Antonyms: kindness, pleasantness
Example Sentence:
To death penalty opponents, capital punishment is a huge atrocity.
8. ALTAR (NOUN): (वेदी) church table
Synonyms: shrine, chantry
Antonyms: playroom, club
Example Sentence:
Today, the priest placed our offerings on the altar and everything vanished.
9. INVASION (NOUN): (आक्रमण) aggression
Synonyms: assault, incursion
Antonyms: retreat, surrender
Example Sentence:
The people live under a constant threat of invasion.
10. RELENTLESS (ADJECTIVE): (निर्दयी) cruel
Synonyms: merciless, ruthless
Antonyms: kind, lenient
Example Sentence:
He led a strong fight against the relentless rulings of the committee.