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English Language Quiz For SBI PO | 27 - 04 - 19

Mahendra Guru
English Language Quiz For SBI PO | 27 - 04 - 19
Dear Readers,

As SBI has released the much-awaited vacancies for the post of Probationary Officers, we have launched subject-wise quizzes for the exam. It will include quizzes of all the subjects- Quantitative Aptitude, English, Reasoning and Computer. All these quizzes will be strictly based on the latest pattern of SBI PO exam and will be beneficial for your preparations. So, keep following the quizzes which will provide you a set of 10 questions daily.

Here, we are providing you important questions of English Language for SBI PO 2019 exam.

Q.1-10. In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered as well as filled with a word which may be appropriate in context of the passage or maybe not. If the word highlighted is incorrect and needs improvement then choose any one suggested given below. But if the given word is correct and requires no change then mark (5) i.e. no change required as your answer. 

The Supreme Court of India in the first week of January 2012 (1) that a person cannot be detained under the preventive detention law like National Security Act (NSA) without (2) reasons. If it happens, it would impinge upon the individuals Constitutional (3) of personal liberty. The apex court observed that the State authorities have been (4) the power to curb such rights under criminal laws as also (5) the laws of preventive detention. These laws are (6) to be exercised with due (7) as well as upon a proper appreciation of the facts as to (8) such acts are in any way prejudicial to the interest and the (9) of the State and its citizens, or seek to disturb public law and (10), warranting the issuance of such an order. 

Q.1. Choose the correct for (1) 

01. Ruled 

02. Demanded 

03. Forcibly 

04. Firm 

05. States 

Q.2. Choose the correct for (2) 

01. Viability 

02. Accepted 

03. Justifiable 

04. Understand 

05. Convinced 

Q.3. Choose the correct for (3) 

01. Merit 

02. Right 

03. Liability 

04. Progress 

05. Peace 

Q.4. Choose the correct for (4) 

01. Sanction 

02. Confer 

03. Obligation 

04. Granted 

05. Dubious 

Q.5. Choose the correct for (5) 

01. Throughout 

02. across 

03. Over 

04. At 

05. Under 

Q.6. Choose the correct for (6) 

01. Boundary 

02. Required 

03. fits 

04. Making 

05. Destined 

Q.7. Choose the correct for (7) 

01. Chance 

02. Pressurized 

03. liberty 

04. Caution 

05. Funds 

Q.8. Choose the correct for (8) 

01. However 

02. Nevertheless 

03. Whoever 

04. Whatever 

05. Whether 

Q.9. Choose the correct for (9) 

01. Instruction 

02. Integrates 

03. Security 

04. Presence 

05. Thoughts 

Q.10. Choose the correct for (10) 

01. Systems 

02. Order 

03. Forces 

04. Command 

05. Faith 


Q.1. (1) 

Q.2. (3) 

Q.3. (2) 

Q.4. (4) 

Q.5. (1) 

Q.6. (2) 

Q.7. (4) 

Q.8. (5) 

Q.9. (3) 

Q.10. (2)

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