Dear Aspirants,
As IBPS has released its official calendar of Online CWE for RRBs and PSBs examinations 2019, so its high time to start preparations for the coming year. Looking at the calendar, we have now started subject-wise quizzes for the exam. It will include quizzes of all the subjects- Quantitative Aptitude, English, Reasoning and Computer. All these quizzes will be strictly based on the latest pattern of all the upcoming competitive exams and will be beneficial for your preparations. So, keep following the quizzes which will provide you a set of 10 questions daily.
Here, we are providing you important questions of Quantitative Aptitude for all banking exams.
Q-(1-5) In each of the questions two equations are given. You have to solve these equations and give answer?
निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों में दो समीकरण (I) और (II) दिये गये है दोनों समीकरण हल कीजिए और - उत्तर दीजिए-
Q1. (I) 225x2 - 105x - 44 = 0
(II) 210y2 - 319y + 121 = 0
(1) If x > y
(2) If x > y
(3) If x < y
(4) If x < y
(5) If x = y or relationship can’t be established
Q2. (I) x2 - 7x - 12 = 0
(II) 2y2 + 18y + 36 = 0
(1) If x > y
(2) If x > y
(3) If x < y
(4) If x < y
(5) If x = y or relationship can’t be established
Q3. (I) 4x2 - 7x + 3 = 0
(II) y2 - 2y + 1 = 0
(1) If x > y
(2) If x > y
(3) If x < y
(4) If x < y
(5) If x = y or relationship can’t be established
Q4. (I) 2x + y = 12
(II) 3y + 5y - 32 = 0
(1) If x > y
(2) If x > y
(3) If x < y
(4) If x < y
(5) If x = y or relationship can’t be established
Q5. (I) x(x + 7) = 30
(II) y =
(1) If x > y
(2) If x > y
(3) If x < y
(4) If x < y
(5) If x = y or relationship can’t be established
Q-(6-10) Study the following graph carefully and give the answers———
The profit % earned by companies A and B of given years
आरेख चित्र का सावधानी पूर्वक अध्ययन कर उस पर आधारित प्रश्नों का उत्तर दीजिये.......
दिये गये वर्षों में दो कंपनियाँ A और B द्वारा अर्जित लाभ का प्रतिशत
Q6. The expenditure of companies A and B in 2008 is in ratio 3 : 4 then what is the ratio of income in 2008?
कंपनी A और B का 2008 में व्यय का अनुपात क्रमशः 3 : 4 है, तो 2008 में आय की अनुपात क्या था?
(1) 21 : 26
(2) 13 : 14
(3) 14 : 13
(4) 26 : 21
(5) None of these
Q7. The expenditure in all the years of company A was 82.5 lac. Then what was the total income of the company in all years?
सभी वर्षों का कंपनी A का व्यय 82.5 लाख था, तो सभी वर्षों में कंपनी की कुल आय क्या थी ?
(1) 1.23 lakh
(2) 95.75 lakh
(3) 99.85 lakh
(4) Can’t be determined
(5) None of these
Q8. If the ratio of income of company B in 2006 and 2007 is 2/3 then what is the ratio of expenditure of these 2 years?
यदि कंपनी B का 2006 और 2007 का आय का अनुपात क्रमशः 2/3 था, तो इन दो वर्षों में कंपनी के व्यय का अनुपात क्या था?
(1) 20 : 29
(2) 9 : 10
(3) 29 : 45
(4) 10 : 29
(5) None of these
Q9. The expenditure of company B in 2005 and 2006 is 12lac and 14.5 lac respectively. What is the total income in year 2005 and 2006?
कंपनी B का व्यय 2005 और 2006 में क्रमशः12 लाख और 14.5 लाख, तो कंपनी B की 2005 और 2006 में कुल आय क्या थी?
(1) 39.75 lakh
(2) 37.95 lakh
(3) 38.50 lakh
(4) can't be determined
(5) None of these
Q10. If the expenditure of company A and B are equal in year 2009. The income of two companies is 5.7 lakh then how much the total expenditure in 2009?
यदि वर्ष 2009 में कंपनी A और B का व्यय बराबर था और दोनों कंपनियों की आय 5.7 लाख है, तो वर्ष 2009 में दो कंपनियों का कुल व्यय क्या था?
(1) 4 lakh
(2) 2 lakh
(3) 4.2 lakh
(4) Can’t be determined
(5) None of these
Answer Key-
Q1. (2)
Q2. (1)
Q3. (2)
Q4. (5)
Q5. (3)
Q6. (5)
From question
= 39 : 56
Q7. (4)
The total income of company can't find because income of each year is not given
Q8. (3)
= 29 : 45
Q9. (2)
Q10. (1)
Let the exp. of company A and B is x lakh rupees.
A's income in 2009 = 
and B's income in 2009
(A+B)'s income = 
x = 2 lakh
Total exp. = x + x = 4 lakh.