1. SOP (VERB): (सोखना) Absorb
Synonyms: soak, douse
Antonyms: dry, dehydrate
Example Sentence:
Sop up the water with a paper towel.
2. IN LIMBO (VERB): (बीच में लटकना) Pending
Synonyms: cling, hinge
Antonyms: be free, be liberated
Example Sentence:
The officer looking after my case quit recently, so my application has been stuck in limbo.
3. DAWDLE (VERB): (समय नष्ट करना) Waste time
Synonyms: loiter, procrastinate
Antonyms: hasten, hurry
Example Sentence:
The teacher warned the student that he will be punished if he dawdled again.
4. JADED (ADJECTIVE): (क्षीण/थका) exhausted
Synonyms: bored, tired
Antonyms: lively, energize
Example Sentence:
The participants were so jaded from the task that they didn’t even bother to wait for the results.
5. NOXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (हानिकारक) Deadly, injurious
Synonyms: destructive, harmful
Antonyms: helpful, kind
Example Sentence:
This is a noxious chemical.
6. PERSPICACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (तीक्ष्ण-बुद्धि) Observant, perceptive
Synonyms: alert, aware
Antonyms: ignorant, unobservant
Example Sentence:
The CDI officers are always perspicacious with their case.
7. FERVENT (ADJECTIVE): (उत्साही) Enthusiastic
Synonyms: zealous, ardent
Antonyms: apathetic, dull
Example Sentence:
He is a fervent child.
8. FITFUL (ADJECTIVE): (चंचल) Spasmodic
Synonyms: intermittent, fluctuating
Antonyms: continuous, perpetual
Example Sentence:
As long as his breathing is fitful, he will continue to need an oxygen machine.
9. OPPRESSION (NOUN): (उत्पीड़न) misery
Synonyms: despotism, maltreatment
Antonyms: kindness, affection
Example Sentence:
Pakistan is nation that is known for its oppression.
10. FEASIBLE (ADJECTIVE): (व्यवहार्य) Practicable
Synonyms: possible, doable
Antonyms: impossible, implausible
Example Sentence:
This seems to be a feasible solution.