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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 16-04-19

Mahendra Guru
1. RESUSCITATE (VERB): energize: (पुनर्जीवित करना) 

Synonyms: invigorate, rejuvenate 

Antonyms: dismantle, smash 

Example Sentence:

An ambulance crew tried to resuscitate him. 

2. MAUL (VERB): mangle: (क्षतविक्षत करना)

Synonyms: attack, thrash 

Antonyms: protect, save 

Example Sentence:

A man was mauled by a lion at London Zoo. 

3. MAVERICK (NOUN): individualist: (स्वतंत्र विचारों वाला)

Synonyms: nonconformist, free spirit 

Antonyms: conservative, moderate 

Example Sentence:

Tanmay is the maverick of the senate.

4. PALLIATIVE (ADJECTIVE): calming : (शांति देनेवाला)

Synonyms: alleviating, consoling 

Antonyms: agitating, upsetting 

Example Sentence:

Orthodox medicines tend to be palliative rather than curative.

5. HOODWINK (VERB): to deceive someone: (छलना)

Synonyms: mislead, swindle

Antonyms: support, safeguard

Example Sentence:

Insurance deals often hoodwink customers by making hollow promises.

6. DAINTY (ADJECTIVE): delicately small and pretty:(सूक्ष्म)

Synonyms: petite, cute 

Antonyms: ugly, repulsive

Example Sentence:

The puppy’s dainty nose looked very cute, convincing everybody’s to love it.

7. ABLUTION (NOUN): the act of washing: (स्नान, मज्जन)

Synonyms: cleansing, decontamination

Antonyms: contamination, pollution

Example Sentence:

Some religions require believers to perform an ablution before prayer so that they are clean and worthy in the presence of their God.

8. AMBLE (VERB): to walk casually: (टहलना)

Synonyms: stroll, wander

Antonyms: rush, dash

Example Sentence:

She rather ambled through the halls than attend the session.

9. COVET (VERB): to greatly desire something you lack: (ललचाना)

Synonyms: crave, fancy to

Antonyms: abjure, hate

Example Sentence:

He tends to covet quality time with his family.

10. RECONNOITER (VERB): to survey a place or situation for planning purposes: (खोजना)

Synonyms: inspect, examine

Antonyms: ignore, overlook

Example Sentence: 

One should constantly reconnoiter one’s enemy’s movements.

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