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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 18-04-19

Mahendra Guru
1. FALLOW (ADJECTIVE): (बंजर) idle 

Synonyms: slack, dormant 

Antonyms: active, developed 

Example Sentence: 

The hill fields are left fallow for ten years after two years' cultivation. 

2. CLASP (VERB): (मजबूती से पकड़ना) clamp 

Synonyms: clutch, fasten 

Antonyms: loosen, unfasten 

Example Sentence: 

She flinched away as his fingers rested on the clasp of her dress. 

3. INCUR (VERB): (अपने उपर लेना/उठाना) bring upon oneself 

Synonyms: obtain, acquire 

Antonyms: forfeit, lose 

Example Sentence: 

He incurred the wrath of the gods. 

4. GUSHING (ADJECTIVE): (फुहार छोड़ती हुई) flowing 

Synonyms: spouting, pouring out 

Antonyms: stagnant, frozen 

Example Sentence: 

The gushing river, flooded the fields. 

5. BERATE (VERB): (फटकारना) admonish 

Synonyms: castigate, reprimand 

Antonyms: laud, applaud 

Example Sentence: 

We must berate such people who live in India and support terrorists of Pakistan. 

6. DEARTH (NOUN): (कमी) scarcity 

Synonyms: paucity, meagerness 

Antonyms: adequacy, abundance 

Example Sentence: 

The dearth of resources forced the company to shut down. 

7. EXTENSIVELY (ADVERB): (दूर तक) widely 

Synonyms: broadly, greatly 

Antonyms: minutely, marginally 

Example Sentence: 

The scheme extensively benefitted the masses. 

8. COINCIDE (VERB): (सहमत होना) go along with 

Synonyms: concur, harmonize 

Antonyms: deviate, dissent 

Example Sentence: 

We can coincide with our competitors. 

9. PSEUDONYM (NOUN): (उपनाम) false name 

Synonyms: anonym, alias 

Antonyms: real name, authentic name 

Example Sentence: 

He used a pseudonym for himself. 

10. DAB HAND (NOUN): (निपुण) expert 

Synonyms: connoisseur, master 

Antonyms: naïve, fool 

Example Sentence: 

She is a dab hand in the kitchen.

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