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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 19-04-19

Mahendra Guru
1. IGNOMINIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अपयशपूर्ण) humiliating 

Synonyms: embarrassing, disgraceful 

Antonyms: respectable, honorable 

Example Sentence: 

The family was very embarrassed about their son’s ignominious behavior at the gathering. 

2. FELONY (NOUN): assault 

Synonyms: offence, wrongdoing 

Antonyms: good work, philanthropy 

Example Sentence: 

The crime is considered a felony under state law. 

3. IMPORTUNE (VERB): (ज़ोर देना) insist 

Synonyms: demand, beseech 

Antonyms: dissuade, prevent 

Example Sentence: 

The players were importuned by the coach to run another mile. 

4. IMPUDENT (ADJECTIVE): (गुस्ताख) shameless 

Synonyms: brazen, audacious 

Antonyms: humble, polite 

Example Sentence: 

The impudent student had the nerve to counter the principal’s order. 

5. INCOMMODIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (असुविधाजनक) inconvenient 

Synonyms: uncomfortable, awkward 

Antonyms: convenient, handy 

Example Sentence: 

The incommodious mattress caused me severe back ache. 

6. PLIGHT (NOUN): (दुविधा) dilemma 

Synonyms: quandary, impasse 

Antonyms: boon, blessing 

Example Sentence: 

The international community should do more to protect the plight of these people. 

7. DAFT (ADJECTIVE): (मूर्ख) nutty 

Synonyms: silly, lunatic 

Antonyms: brainy, smart 

Example Sentence: 

Your idea seems a bit daft to me. 

8. EXORBITANT (ADJECTIVE): (अत्यधिक) extravagant 

Synonyms: outrageous, extreme 

Antonyms: inexpensive, moderate 

Example Sentence: 

The President is right in pointing how the exorbitant cost of child care can be devastating for families. 

9. RUPTURE (VERB): (टूटना) break 

Synonyms: breach, split 

Antonyms: join, connect 

Example Sentence: 

The emperor Leo, ruptured the fortress of his enemy. 

10. PLETHORA (NOUN): (अधिकता) excess 

Synonyms: profusion, overabundance 

Antonyms: scarcity, rarity 

Example Sentence: 

There are plethora of groups that track and publish this kind of information.

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