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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 24-04-19

Mahendra Guru

1. PREPONDERATE (VERB): (प्रभुत्व रखना) dominate 

Synonyms: dictate, overrule 

Antonyms: follow, lose 

Example Sentence: 

Do not even think of preponderating me. 

2. LAY DOWN (VERB): (आदेश देना) command 

Synonyms: impose, order 

Antonyms: implore, request 

Example Sentence: 

She laid down as if she were my boss. 

3. PREMISE (NOUN): (उपधारणा) presumption 

Synonyms: proposition, supposition 

Antonyms: denial, rejection 

Example Sentence: 

The woman completed her workday even though there was a presumption that she was to be fired. 

4. UNPALATABLE (ADJECTIVE): (बेस्वाद) not tasting good 

Synonyms: distasteful, unsavoury 

Antonyms: delicious, savoury 

Example Sentence: 

What an unpalatable dish! Siya exclaimed. 

5. AFTERMATH (NOUN): (परिणाम) impact 

Synonyms: outcome, consequences 

Antonyms: source, origin 

Example Sentence: 

Although the aftermath was daunting, nothing could compare to the moment that the tornado struck the building. 

6. ABSOLUTE (ADJECTIVE): (अपरिमित) without limit

Synonyms: infinite, unlimited 

Antonyms: bounded, limited 

Example Sentence: 

Your idea has really an absolute influence. 

7. JUNTA (NOUN): (समिति) council 

Synonyms: faction, cabal 

Antonyms: single, individual 

Example Sentence: 

After the dictator died the country was taken over by a junta of the former officials. 

8. DILUTE (VERB): (मिलावट करना) adulterate 

Synonyms: make thinner, water down 

Antonyms: make thicker, concentrate 

Example Sentence: 

To obtain the effect you want, firstly dilute the paint with a little bit of oil. 

9. MOOT (ADJECTIVE): (संदिग्ध) doubtful 

Synonyms: dubious, questionable 

Antonyms: proven, definite 

Example Sentence: 

The use of phonetic transcription is a moot question. 

10. EXPURGATE (VERB): (संशोधन करना) sensor 

Synonyms: bleep, decontaminate 

Antonyms: make dirty, contaminate 

Example sentence: 

It is immoral to try to expurgate anything from the sacred writings of the past.

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