1. UPBEAT (ADJECTIVE): buoyant (उत्साहित)
Synonyms: happy, cheery
Antonyms: depressed, discouraged
Example Sentence:
He is a very upbeat person.
2. SPUR (NOUN): incitement (प्रेरणा)
Synonyms: catalyst, excitant
Antonyms: deterrent, hindrance
Example Sentence:
Redundancy is the spur for many to embark on new careers.
3. RELUCTANT (ADJECTIVE): unwilling (अनिच्छुक)
Synonyms: disinclined, unenthusiastic
Antonyms: willing, enthusiastic
Example Sentence:
She is applying pesticides with great caution.
4. REDUNDANT (ADJECTIVE): unnecessary (अनावश्यक)
Synonyms: inessential, needless
Antonyms: important, useful
Example Sentence:
Many people are reluctant to talk about politics.
5. BUTTRESS (VERB): bolster (सहारा देना)
Synonyms: reinforce, uphold
Antonyms: undermine, weaken
Example Sentence:
His tough line is buttressed by a democratic mandate.
6. EXPANSION (NOUN): growth (उन्नति)
Synonyms: extension, increase
Antonyms: compression, abridgement
Example Sentence:
He made an expansion in his business.
7. REVIVE (VERB): energize (सक्रिय करना)
Synonyms: encourage, invigorate
Antonyms: dissuade, discourage
Example Sentence:
Patriotic song revived all of us.
8. EFFECTIVE (ADJECTIVE): impressive (प्रभावी)
Synonyms: competent, useful
Antonyms: insufficient, ineffective
Example Sentence:
Her effective speech had blown everybody away.
9. DISRUPTIVE (ADJECTIVE): rowdy (उपद्रवी)
Synonyms: troublesome, disturbing
Antonyms: well-behaved, disciplined
Example Sentence:
This disruptive activity made me restless all over the night.
10. RESILIENCE (NOUN): flexibility (लचीलापन)
Synonyms: pliability, elasticity
Antonyms: stiffness, rigidity
Example Sentence:
Her natural resilience helped her overcome the crisis.