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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 03-04-19

Mahendra Guru
The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 03-04-19
1. IRE (NOUN): fury:(क्रोध) 

Synonyms: annoyance, exasperation 

Antonyms: calm, comfort 

Example Sentence: 

Her ire rise at the blatant appraisal. 

2. SNARE (VERB): entrap:(फँसाना) 

Synonyms: catch, seize 

Antonyms: release, liberate 

Example Sentence: 

They caught fish and snared seabirds. 

3. OPPRESS (VERB): subdue:(दबाना) 

Synonyms: torment, trample 

Antonyms: encourage, aid 

Example Sentence: 

The tyrant general oppressed his people. 

4. CANNY (ADJECTIVE): clever:(चालाक) 

Synonyms: dexterous, adroit 

Antonyms: foolish, idiotic 

Example Sentence: 

Chitransh is a canny person. 

5. DIFFIDENT (ADJECTIVE): shy:(शर्मीला) 

Synonyms: timid, hesitant 

Antonyms: confident, brave 

Example Sentence: 

Varun was a diffident child in such a large family. 

6. CRYPTIC (ADJECTIVE): secret:(गुप्त) 

Synonyms: arcane, esoteric 

Antonyms: definite, obvious 

Example Sentence: 

When Prakhar spoke, his words were cryptic to all those in the room. 

6. UPTIGHT (ADJECTIVE): nervous:(तनावग्रस्त) 

Synonyms: nervy, edgy 

Antonyms: unworried, composed 

Example Sentence: 

Your uptight behavior can get you rejected in an interview. 

7. DRIP (VERB): drop:(टपकन) 

Synonyms: dribble, drizzle 

Antonyms: collect, pour 

Example Sentence: 

Everyone must ensure that water doesn’t drips away uselessly. 

8. PERVADE (VERB): spread through:(सब जगह फैल जाना) 

Synonyms: infuse, permeate 

Antonyms: block, hinder 

Example Sentence: 

The poison must be blocked before it pervades Riya’s vital organs. 

9. KUDOS (NOUN): praise:(प्रशंसा) 

Synonyms: applause, eminence 

Antonyms: condemnation, denunciation 

Example Sentence: 

Miranda was looking for kudos rather than profit. 

10. CHASM (NOUN): difference:(विचार-विभिन्नता) 

Synonyms: discord, dissension 

Antonyms: harmony, peace 

Example Sentence: 

The book illustrates the chasm between rich and poor.

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