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English Language Quiz For SBI Clerk | 20 - 05 - 19

Mahendra Guru
English Language Quiz For SBI Clerk | 20 - 05 - 19
Dear Readers,

As SBI has released the much-awaited vacancies for the post of Junior Assistants (Clerk), we have launched subject-wise quizzes for the exam. It will include quizzes of all the subjects- Quantitative Aptitude, English, Reasoning and Computer. All these quizzes will be strictly based on the latest pattern of SBI Clerk exam and will be beneficial for your preparations. So, keep following the quizzes which will provide you a set of 10 questions daily.

Here, we are providing you important questions of English Language for SBI Clerk 2019 exam.

Directions (1-5): In the following questions, a part of the sentence (a word or phrase) has been highlighted in bold. Four different ways of writing have been given in the options (1), (2), (3) and (4). Find the correct replacement of the given bold word or phrase. If no improvement is required mark your answer (5). 

Q. (1) - Kindly ask his advice regarding the various health insurance policies presently available. 

1. Him to advice that 

2. Regarding his advice 

3. That he should advice 

4. About his advice 

5. No correction required 

Q. (2) - Even in a changing world, we cannot wishes away the Indian nation and replace it with a world government overnight. 

1. Cannot wish away 

2. Can never wishing out 

3. Cannot wish out 

4. Never wishes out 

5. No correction required 

Q. (3) – While it is well known that there are large-scale leakages from the public distribution system across the country, there are many states which have manage successful reform the public distribution system and deliver food grain to the poor. 

1. Managed to successfully reform 

2. Managed successful reforms 

3. Managing successfully to reform 

4. Managed for successfully reforming 

5. No correction required 

Q. (4) – Preliminary investigation revealed that the woman had gone to see the marriage on the account of the marriage of her maternal aunt’s daughter. 

1. In place of 

2. Being depressed of 

3. In belief of 

4. Reason being 

5. No correction required 

Q. (5) – The court refused to provide relieve to the petitioner arid stated that plying of all diesel vehicles was banned with immediate effect. 

1. Provision of relief 

2. Providing of relieve 

3. Provide any relief 

4. Provide relieving 

5. No correction required 

Directions (6-10): Rearrange the following five sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions given below. 

A. The IDSP is a segment of Integrated Health Information Platform (IHIP) that had been initially launched in various states 

B. A first of its kind initiative, the IHIP uses the latest technologies and digital health initiatives 

C. India has a mechanism to detect outbreak of diseases since the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare launched the IDSP 

D. The success of this platform depends primarily on the quality of data shared by the states 

E. The path-breaking initiative has the potential to provide near real-time data to policy makers for detecting outbreak 

F. Reducing morbidity and mortality, and lessening disease burden in the populations and better health systems 

Q. (6) - Which of these would be the first statement after rearranging the given statements? 

1. C 

2. A 

3. D 

4. E 

5. F 

Q. (7) - Which of these would be the last statement after rearranging the given statements? 

1. A 

2. B 

3. E 

4. F 

5. C 

Q. (8) - Which of these would be the second statement after rearranging the given statements? 

1. B 

2. E 

3. D 

4. C 

5. A 

Q. (9) - Which of these would be the fourth statement after rearranging the given statements? 

1. A 

2. B 

3. C 

4. D 

5. E 

Q. (10) - Which of these would be the fifth statement after rearranging the given statements? 

1. E 

2. B 

3. D 

4. F 

5. C 

Answers :- 

Q.1 (1) 

Q.2 (3) 

Q.3 (3) 

Q.4 (5) 

Q.5 (3) 

Q.6 (1) 

Q.7 (3) 

Q.8 (5) 

Q.9 (2) 

Q.10 (4). The correct Rearrangement is ‘CADBFE’. The group of sentences is about ‘the initiative taken by the IDSP’.

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