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English Language Quiz For SBI PO | 31 - 05 - 19

Mahendra Guru
English Language Quiz For SBI PO | 31 - 05 - 19
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As SBI has released the much-awaited vacancies for the post of Probationary Officers, we have launched subject-wise quizzes for the exam. It will include quizzes of all the subjects- Quantitative Aptitude, English, Reasoning and Computer. All these quizzes will be strictly based on the latest pattern of SBI PO exam and will be beneficial for your preparations. So, keep following the quizzes which will provide you a set of 10 questions daily.

Here, we are providing you important questions of English Language for SBI PO 2019 exam.

Directions (1-10): In the following passage there are blanks each of which has been numbered. These numbers are given below the passage and against each five words have been suggested, one of which fits the blanks appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case. 

India is not yet an economically (1) nation. India has demonstrated its (2) in the IT, biotech and pharmaceutical sectors and has (3) its growth rate to nine per cent per year in the first decade of this century, up from an earlier 40-year (1950-90) socialist era average annual growth rate of a mere 3.5 per cent, to become the third largest nation in terms of GDP at Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) rates. However, it still has a backward agricultural sector of 62 per cent of the people, where there are farmer suicides because of (4) to repay loans. There is a national unemployment rate that is of over 15 per cent of the adult labour force, a prevalence of child labour arising out of nearly 50 per cent of children not making it to school beyond standard five, a deeply malfunctioning primary and secondary educational system, and 300 million illiterates and 250 million people in(5) poverty. India’s infrastructure is (6), with frequent electric power breakdowns even in metropolitan cities, dangerously unhealthy water supply in urban areas, a galloping rate of HIV infection, and gaping potholes that dot our national highways. To become a developed country, therefore, India’s GDP will have to grow at 12 per cent per year for at least a decade. Technically this is within India’s reach, since it would require the rate of investment to rise from the present 28 per cent of GDP to 36 per cent, while productivity growth will have to ensure that the incremental output-capital ratio declines from the present 4.0 to 3.0. 

These are modest goals that can be attained by an efficient decision-making structure, tackling corruption, increased Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and use of IT software in the domestic industry. But for that to happen, what is required are more vigorous market-centric economic (7) to dismantle the remaining vestiges of the Soviet model in Indian planning, especially at the provincial level. The Indian financial system also (8) from a hangover of cronyism and corruption which has left government budgets on the verge of bankruptcy. This too needs fixing. It cannot be (9) by a Reserve Bank of India vitiating the investment climate with an obsession to contain inflationary pressure. It is like killing a patient to lower his body temperature. India’s infrastructure requires about $150 billion to make it world class, while a new innovation climate requires investment in the education system of six per cent of GDP instead of 2.8 per cent today. But an open competitive market system can find these resources (10) the quality of governance and accountability is improved. 

Q.1 Choose the correct option for (1) 

01. developed 

02. ripen 

03. individual 

04. precise 

05. accomplish 

Q.2 Choose the correct option for (2) 

01. endurance 

02. denial 

03. excel 

04. attain 

05. prowess 

Q.3 Choose the correct option for (3) 

01. distributed 

02. flashed 

03. prepared 

04. accelerated 

05. sharing 

Q.4 Choose the correct option for (4) 

01. sufficient 

02. inability 

03. subservient 

04. competence 

05. apt 

Q.5 Choose the correct option for (5) 

01. minimal 

02. created 

03. dire 

04. disputed 

05. ancient 

Q.6 Choose the correct option for (6) 

01. inspire 

02. dynamism 

03. misery 

04. responded 

05. pathetic 

Q.7 Choose the correct option for (7) 

01. reforms 

02. viable 

03. treasure 

04. sensible 

05. revolutionize 

Q.8 Choose the correct option for (8) 

01. disadvantage 

02. endure 

03. suffers 

04. paining 

05. surrender 

Q.9 Choose the correct option for (9) 

01. remedy 

02. adjusts 

03. ameliorate 

04. rectified 

05. revives 

Q.10 Choose the correct option for (10) 

01. whatever 

02. provided 

03. such as 

04. however 

05. definitely 

Answers :-

Q.1 (1) 

Q.2 (5) 

Q.3 (4) 

Q.4 (2) 

Q.5 (3) 

Q.6 (5) 

Q.7 (1) 

Q.8 (3) 

Q.9 (4) 

Q.10 (2)

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