1.CADAVEROUS (ADJECTIVE): pale:(पीला विवर्ण)
Synonyms: blanched, ashen
Antonyms: lively, lifelike
Example Sentence:
Her face looked so cadaverous.
2. DECADENT (ADJECTIVE): corrupt:(अनैतिक)
Synonyms: immoral, depraved
Antonyms: moral, noble
Example Sentence:
He is a decadent person.
3. CASTIGATION (NOUN): punishment:(दंड)
Synonyms: chastisement, retribution
Antonyms: pardon, forgiveness
Example Sentence:
I am not afraid of castigation
4. CAPITULATION (NOUN): giving in:(आत्मसर्पण)
Synonyms: submission, yielding
Antonyms: defending, finding
Example Sentence:
I was overwhelmed with my brother’s capitulation to allow me to drive his car.
5.PRECOCIOUS (ADJECTIVE): exceptionally smart:(अत्याधिक बुद्धिमान)
Synonyms: intelligent, advanced
Antonyms: moronic, imbecile
Example Sentence:
She is extremely precocious girl of our college.
6. PLACID (NOUN): calm:(नम्र)
Synonyms: serene, tranquil
Antonyms: agitated, disturbed
Example Sentence:
Placid surroundings of Kashmir enthralled me deep within.
7. DELETERIOUS (ADJECTIVE): detrimental:(क्षतिकर)
Synonyms: harmful, destroying
Antonyms: helpful, aiding
Example Sentence:
Smoking is deleterious to health.
8. MOROSE (ADJECTIVE): glum:(उदास)
Synonyms: grouchy, cranky
Antonyms: cheerful, happy
Example Sentence:
Her father’s funeral was a morose event which left her and her family in tears.
9. DIFFIDENT (ADJECTIVE): meek:(संकोची)
Synonyms: timid, sheepish
Antonyms: brave, confident
Example Sentence:
You are kind of diffident person.
10. DEBACLE (NOUN): catastrophe:(विध्वंस)
Synonyms: beating, collapse
Antonyms: attainment, accomplishment
Example Sentence:
When the movie was released, it was called a debacle by the audience.