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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 25-05-19

Mahendra Guru

1. PROCLIVITY (NOUN): Inclination: (इच्छा/प्रवृत्ति) 

Synonyms: penchant, predilection 

Antonyms: dislike, hate 

Example Sentence: 

Your proclivity towards him is getting on my nerves. 

2. SARTORIAL (ADJECTIVE): Pertaining to tailors: (दर्ज़ी-संबंधी) 

Synonyms: stylish, elegant 

Antonyms: frumpy, dumpy 

Example Sentence: 

Those sartorial coats made me chew the cud. 

3. CAULK (VERB): Secure: (गहनी करना) 

Synonyms: block, barricade 

Antonyms: free, loosen 

Example Sentence:  

Faiz caulked me from a broken reed. 

4. TUTELARY (ADJECTIVE): Protecting: (संरक्षी) 

Synonyms: guardian, advisory 

Antonyms: careless, inattentive 

Example Sentence: 

Ajay is using tutelary fabian policy in his company. 

5. PURGE (NOUN): Elimination: (परिशोध) 

Synonyms: expulsion, extermination 

Antonyms: keeping, holding 

Example Sentence: 

Naimish was feeling shy of telling her about her purge from the contest. 

6. QUANTUM (NOUN): Quantity: (मात्रा) 

Synonyms: sum, amount 

Antonyms: part, whole 

Example Sentence: 

While quantum energy could not be measured fully, the scientist continued to work on the experiment. 

7. PRECINCT (NOUN): Department: (प्रसीमा) 

Synonyms: area, ward 

Antonyms: whole, full 

Example Sentence:  

I am working in this precinct. 


Synonyms: simultaneous, contemporary 

Antonyms: different, separate 

Example Sentence: 

The contemporaneous ringing of the multiple phone lines kept the new receptionist very busy. 

9. PUNITIVE (ADJECTIVE): Retaliatory: (दंडात्मक) 

Synonyms: vindictive, punishing 

Antonyms: beneficial, rewarding 

Example Sentence: 

Don’t be punitive otherwise you’ll get into a soup. 

10. QUIETUDE (NOUN): Calm: (शांति/संतोष) 

Synonyms: doldrums, hush 

Antonyms: disturbance, agitation 

Example Sentence:  

Be quietude don’t escape your lips.

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