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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 29-05-19

Mahendra Guru
The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 29-05-19

1. LAISSEZ-FAIRE (NOUN): inaction:( अहस्तक्षेप) 

Synonyms: do-nothing policy, noninterference 

Antonyms: activity, involvement 

Example Sentence: 

Industrialisation has made the State to shift its emphasis from the concept of laissez-faire to that of social welfare. 

2. SERENE (ADJECTIVE): calm:(शांत) 

Synonyms: laid-back, placid 

Antonyms: clamorous, turbulent 

Example Sentence: 

Afghan refugees have never been given space in India nor should Baloch political dissident. 

3. ABSOLVE (VERB): To forgive; to free from guilt:(मुक्त करना) 

Synonyms: exculpate, pardon 

Antonyms: accuse, blame 

Example Sentence: 

Marta felt greatly relieved after her mother absolved her for breaking the vase. 

4. BUFFOONERY (NOUN): Foolish behavior:(मसखरापन) 

Synonyms: jocularity, clowning 

Antonyms: tragedy, seriousness 

Example Sentence: 

Clarence, an irrepressible comic, was held after class for his buffoonery. 

5. GARISH (ADJECTIVE): offensively bright:(भड़कीला) 

Synonyms: gaudy, loud 

Antonyms: plain, simple 

Example Sentence: 

The garish wallpaper offended Jerome, who preferred subtle colors. 

6. BALK (VERB): hesitate:(टाल जाना) 

Synonyms: resist, shirk 

Antonyms: accept, face 

Example Sentence:

He balked at such a drastic solution.

7. CASTIGATE (VERB): berate:(दुर्वचन कहना) 

Synonyms: chastise, criticize 

Antonyms: praise, laud 

Example Sentence: 

She was castigated by the teacher. 

8. ABYSMAL (NOUN): bottomless:(अथाह) 

Synonyms: boundless, incalculable 

Antonyms: restricted, bounded 

Example Sentence: 

They are a thumbs down for the abysmal quality of construction. 

9. CULPABILITY (NOUN): blameworthiness :(अभियोज्यता) 

Synonyms: culpableness, accountability 

Antonyms: slimness, thinness 

Example Sentence: 

In the circumstances, there is no evidence which will reflect culpability of the appellant. 

10. REVELRY (NOUN): merrymaking:(आनंदोत्सव) 

Synonyms: debauchery, carousal 

Antonyms: sadness, mourning 

Example Sentence: 

Siddhartha is involved in revelry these days.

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