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English Language Quiz For SBI Clerk | 15 - 06 - 19

Mahendra Guru
English Language Quiz For SBI Clerk | 15 - 06 - 19
Dear Readers,

As SBI has released the much-awaited vacancies for the post of Junior Assistants (Clerk), we have launched subject-wise quizzes for the exam. It will include quizzes of all the subjects- Quantitative Aptitude, English, Reasoning and Computer. All these quizzes will be strictly based on the latest pattern of SBI Clerk exam and will be beneficial for your preparations. So, keep following the quizzes which will provide you a set of 10 questions daily.

Here, we are providing you important questions of English Language for SBI Clerk 2019 exam.

Q.1 Below is given a single word with options to its meaning in different contexts. You have to select all those options which are synonyms of the word when the context is changed. Select the correct alternative from which represents all those synonyms. 


A. Forge     B. plagiarize     C. clone     D. crave 

01. Only B 

02. Only A and C 

03. Only B and C 

04. All except D 

05. All of the above 

Q.2 Below is given a single word with options to its meaning in different contexts. You have to select all those options which are synonyms of the word when the context is changed. Select the correct alternative from which represents all those synonyms. 


A. Suave     B. heinous      C. anonymity     D. mitigate 

01. Only A 

02. Only C 

03. Only D 

04. Only A and B 

05. All of the above 

Q.3 Below is given a single word with options to its meaning in different contexts. You have to select all those options which are synonyms of the word when the context is changed. Select the correct alternative from which represents all those synonyms. 


A. Withhold     B. recollect      C. destitute     D. reserve 

01. Only A and B 

02. Only B and C 

03. All except C 

04. All except D 

05. All of the above 

Q.4 Below is given a single word with options to its meaning in different contexts. You have to select all those options which are synonyms of the word when the context is changed. Select the correct alternative from which represents all those synonyms. 


A. Pernicious     B. makeshift     C. determine      D. identify 

01. Only A and C 

02. Only B and D 

03. Only B and C 

04. Only C and D 

05. All of the above 

Q.5 Below is given a single word with options to its meaning in different contexts. You have to select all those options which are synonyms of the word when the context is changed. Select the correct alternative from which represents all those synonyms. 


A. Dingy     B. expose      C. delve      D. discover 

01. Only C 

02. All except A 

03. All except B 

04. All except D 

05. All of the above 

Directions (6-10): Rearrange the following sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E), (F) and (G) in the proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph, then answer the questions given below them. 

A. This powerful perception based more on belief than facts, goes a long way toward explaining why demand for organic products has grown so much. 

B. In fact, there’s evidence that organic farms produce as much, or more, pollution than conventional farms and that organic products might actually contain more toxins than other foods. 

C. Because it is grown without artificial or toxic chemicals. 

D. There’s just one huge problem: neither of the main assumptions driving the growth of organic farming are grounded in the science. 

E. Like all farms, those that grow organic products rely on fertilizer. Often organic farmers use animal manure rather than chemicals derived from petroleum or minerals. 

F. Organic sales have more than tripled in the past decade, to more than $30 billion a year, while sales of conventional food products have dawdled along at an annual growth rate of about 2 percent. 

G. Buying organic food is an exercise in personal virtue: you pay more to consume food that’s healthier for you and less damaging to the environment. 

Q.6 Which of the following would be THIRD statement after rearrangement? 

01. A 

02. G 

03. C 

04. F 

05. B 

Q.7 Which of the following would be SIXTH statement after rearrangement? 

01. D 

02. B 

03. E 

04. C 

05. A 

Q.8 Which of the following would be FIRST statement after rearrangement? 

01. F 

02. E 

03. G 

04. C 

05. B 

Q.9 Which of the following would be LAST statement after rearrangement? 

01. B 

02. C 

03. G 

04. E 

05. D 

Q.10 Which of the following would be SECOND statement after rearrangement? 

01. A 

02. B 

03. D 

04. F 

05. C 

Answers :- 

Q.1 (4) 

Q.2 (2) 

Q.3 (3) 

Q.4 (4) 

Q.5 (2) 

Q.6 (1) 

Q.7 (2) 

Q.8 (3) 

Q.9 (4) 

Q.10 (5). The arrangement is GCAFDBE. The paragraph discusses ‘the facts related to the production and consumption of organic food.’

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