1. IMPECUNIOUS (ADJECTIVE): having little or no money:(निर्धन)
Synonyms: penniless, penurious
Antonyms: wealthy, affluent
Example Sentence:
Back in the eighties he was an impecunious, would-be racing driver.
2. IMPERTURBABILITY (NOUN): balance:(स्थिरता)
Synonyms: aplomb, coolness
Antonyms: agitation, anxiety
Example Sentence:
His imperturbability always had the effect of a goad upon his father’s temper.
3. MERETRICIOUS (ADJECTIVE): gaudy, flashy:(बनावटी शोभा युक्त)
Synonyms: garish, loud
Antonyms: genuine, real
Example Sentence:
He believes in living a meretricious life.
4. AUGURY (NOUN): omen:(शकुन)
Synonyms: auspice, harbinger
Antonyms: short-sighted, assurance
Example Sentence:
This incident of his infancy was accepted as an augury of his maturity, and he did not belie it.
5. GLIB (ADJECTIVE): slick, smooth-talking:(चिकनी चुपड़ी बातें करने वाला)
Synonyms: artful, facile
Antonyms: stuttering, inarticulate
Example Sentence:
She advises women with similar issues not to settle for glib explanations.
6. OSTRACISM (NOUN): banishment:(बहिष्कार)
Synonyms: avoidance, boycott
Antonyms: acceptance, allowance
Example Sentence:
Only cruel teachers can follow ostracism and ill-treat their children.
7. REPINE (VERB): complain:(शिकायत करना)
Synonyms: grumble, lament
Antonyms: appreciate, praise
Example Sentence:
She likes to repine about her colleagues.
8. FEINT (NOUN): pretense:(भुलावा)
Synonyms: ruse, bluff
Antonyms: honesty, truth
Example Sentence:
She pretended to be making great efforts to cope up with the course but it was merely a
9. INURE (VERB): accustom:(अभ्यस्त करना)
Synonyms: familiarize, habituate
Antonyms: neglect, soften
Example Sentence:
Poverty has inured them living in slums.
10. RECONDITE (ADJECTIVE): mysterious, obscure:(गूढ़)
Synonyms: arcane, cabalistic
Antonyms: simple, straightforward
Example Sentence:
How else to explain the popularity of a novel so free of plot, so obsessed with existential
rumination and recondite philosophy?