1. DAWDLE (VERB): waste time:(समय नष्ट करना)
Synonyms: laze, saunter
Antonyms: rush, hasten
Example sentence:
People hasten to ask for help but often dawdle when help is needed.
2. SCURRY (VERB): move along swiftly:(शीघ्र चलना)
Synonyms: scamper, dash
Antonyms: loaf, dawdle
Example sentence:
The little girl scurried towards her father when he called her name.
3. DENIGRATION (NOUN): belittlement:(बदनामी)
Synonyms: defamation, ridicule
Antonyms: cajolery, blandishment
Example sentence:
Those who denigrate others often do it to hide their own failures.
4. DRUDGERY (NOUN): tedious work:(कठिन परिश्रम)
Synonyms: labor, travail
Antonyms: lethargy, indolence
Example sentence:
To lose weight one has to endure the drudgery of hard exercises.
5. ORDEAL (NOUN): unpleasant and prolonged experience:(कठिन परीक्षा)
Synonyms: difficulty, trouble
Antonyms: comfort, peace
Example sentence:
This article had a gory description about the ordeals faced by players who came back after loosing a match.
6. RAMPANT (NOUN): flourishing or spreading unchecked:(अनियंत्रित)
Synonyms: uncontrolled, unbridled
Antonyms: restrained, moderate
Example sentence:
Corruption is rampant and government is trying its best to control it.
7. FATHOM (VERB): to understand after much thought:(पूर्ण रूप से समझना)
Synonyms: comprehend grasp
Antonyms: misinterpret, misunderstand
Example sentence:
Since I have always scored good marks I cannot fathom why my teacher gave me poor grades.
8. SPAWN (VERB): originate:(बनाना)
Synonyms: create, generate
Antonyms: destroy, kill
Example sentence:
The new economic freedom has spawned hundreds of new small businesses.
9. LIMPID (ADJECTIVE): clear, transparent:(पारदर्शक)
Synonyms: comprehensible, lucid
Antonyms: muddy obscure
Example sentence:
The writer's limpid writing style greatly pleased readers who disliked complicated novels.
10. GRATIS (ADJECTIVE): free:(मुफ़्त)
Synonyms: complementary, costless
Antonyms: costly, expensive
Example sentence:
Gratis distribution of net is already being applied successfully in several impoverished countries.