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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 14-06-19

Mahendra Guru
The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 14-06-19

1. DRACONIAN (ADJECTIVE): harsh:(बेदर्द) 

Synonyms: cruel, strict 

Antonyms: contrite, pliable 

Example Sentence: 

Adolf Hitler was a draconian leader. 

2. NOXIOUS (ADJECTIVE): foul:(बहुत अप्रिय) 

Synonyms: toxic, pernicious 

Antonyms: good, healthy 

Example Sentence: 

This perfume has a noxious smell. 

3. PERSPICACIOUS (ADJECTIVE): wise:(कुशाग्रबुद्धि) 

Synonyms: intelligent, astute 

Antonyms: dull, unperceptive 

Example Sentence: 

This child has a perspicacious mind to solve the questions. 

4. SPLURGY (ADJECTIVE): flamboyant:(दिखावटी) 

Synonyms: showy, dashing 

Antonyms: plain, modest 

Example Sentence: 

The singer loves to wear splurgy suits while performing. 

5. TIFF (NOUN): dispute:(मनमुटाव) 

Synonyms: squabble, fight 

Antonyms: accord, harmony 

Example Sentence: 

I want to be out of this tiff. 

6. SUPERVENE (VERB): follow:(पीछे आना) 

Synonyms: pursue, supersede 

Antonyms: founder, precede 

Example Sentence: 

The federal court decision will supersede the decision of the lower court. 

7. BESTOW (VERB): present:(प्रदान करना) 

Synonyms: confer, entrust 

Antonyms: withhold, deprive 

Example Sentence: 

The principal will bestow the awards to the meritorious students. 

8. GRIM (ADJECTIVE): depressing:(विकट) 

Synonyms: gloomy, dark 

Antonyms: cheerful, happy 

Example Sentence: 

It was a grim night yesterday. 

9. REINFORCE (VERB): strengthen:(मजबूत बनाना) 

Synonyms: assist, augment 

Antonyms: discourage, obstruct 

Example Sentence: 

Article 377 will surely reinforce the integrity of our law and order system. 

10. UNWITTINGLY (ADVERB): not knowing:(अनिच्छापूर्वक) 

Synonyms: accidently, unintentionally 

Antonyms: knowingly, purposefully 

Example Sentence: 

The little girl unwittingly let the sneaky kitten out the back door when she left for school.

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