1. STAID (ADJECTIVE): serious:(गंभीर)
Synonyms: steady, conventional
Antonyms: frivolous, funny
Example Sentence:
He is a staid professor.
2. GOB (NOUN): multitude:(ढेर सारा)
Synonyms: abundance, fullness
Antonyms: individual, one
Example Sentence:
All bakery products are found in gob at this outlet.
3. REVEL (NOUN): carousal:(आनंदोत्सव)
Synonyms: gaiety, gala
Antonyms: gloom, despair
Example Sentence:
They all had a huge nocturnal revel out there.
4.SUBSISTENCE (NOUN): livelihood:(जीविका)
Synonyms: sustenance, gratuity
Antonyms: neglect, ignorance
Example Sentence:
He is doing very hard work for his smooth subsistence.
5. DABBLER (NOUN): dilettante:( शौक़ीन)
Synonyms: abecedarian, novice
Antonyms: expert, professional
Example Sentence:
Ayush is a dabbler singer.
6. SEDUCE (VERB): lure:(बहकाना)
Synonyms: entice, decoy
Antonyms: dissuade, disenchant
Example Sentence:
Ripen mangoes seduced the travellers on the way.
7. STILT (NOUN): footing:(चलने के लिये बड़े डंडे)
Synonyms: flotation, base
Antonyms: stop, opposition
Example Sentence:
The iron rods provide basic stilt to the building.
8. SQUAT (ADJECTIVE): broad:(चौड़ा)
Synonyms: splay, chunky
Antonyms: small, thin
Example Sentence:
Anish was a muscular and squat man.
9. SUPERCILIOUS (ADJECTIVE): bossy:(नकचढ़ा)
Synonyms: cocky, haughty
Antonyms: humble, modest
Example Sentence: He has a supercilious attitude.
10. SMUG (ADJECTIVE): pleased with oneself:(दंभी)
Synonyms: complacent, pompous
Antonyms: unsure, unhappy with oneself
Example Sentence: He is utterly a smug person.