1. FOOTLOOSE (ADJECTIVE): Easy going:(कहीं भी जाने को आज़ाद)
Synonyms: unattached, free and easy
Antonyms: bound, enslaved
Example Sentence:
I am a footloose person and so is she.
2. ROLLICKING (ADJECTIVE): Joyous:(मौज उड़ानेवाला)
Synonyms: jaunty, spirited
Antonyms: sad, depressed
Example Sentence:
We enjoyed his rollicking performance.
3. LANGUID (ADJECTIVE): Dropping:(कमज़ोर)
Synonyms: sluggish, laid-back
Antonyms: energetic, lively
Example Sentence:
Why are you looking so languid?
4. MURKY (ADJECTIVE): Dark:(धुंधला)
Synonyms: gloomy, dreary
Antonyms: bright, luminous
Example Sentence:
The stress lines on his face are the clear sign of murky life that he is leading.
5. RAKISH (ADJECTIVE): Charming:(बाँका)
Synonyms: dashing, raffish
Antonyms: boorish, adhesive
Example Sentence:
He is a rakish man.
6. COHORT (NOUN): Companion:(संगी)
Synonyms: comrade, partner
Antonyms: opponent, adversary
Example Sentence:
Adivasis and their cohort made the violent protest.
7. WEAKENED (ADJECTIVE): Depleted:(कमज़ोर)
Synonyms: exhausted, tired
Antonyms: energetic, invigorated
Example Sentence:
His eyes were looking painstakingly weakened.
8. SUBLIME (ADJECTIVE): Magnificent:(उत्कृष्ट)
Synonyms: glorious, heavenly
Antonyms: inferior, lowly
Example Sentence:
The function we attended took place at a sublime lodge.
9. ENSCONCE (ADJECTIVE): Situate:(आश्रय देना)
Synonyms: stash, cache
Antonyms: unsettle, depart
Example Sentence:
There is no need to worry about the witness because she is ensconced in the safe house.
10. DETOUR (NOUN): Deviation:(विमार्ग)
Synonyms: turn, diversion
Antonyms: straightness, direction
Example Sentence:
Due to metro work, traffic has to follow detour.