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English Language Quiz For SBI Clerk | 18 - 07 - 19

Mahendra Guru
English Language Quiz For SBI Clerk | 18 - 07 - 19
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As SBI has released the much-awaited vacancies for the post of Junior Assistants (Clerk), we have launched subject-wise quizzes for the exam. It will include quizzes of all the subjects- Quantitative Aptitude, English, Reasoning and Computer. All these quizzes will be strictly based on the latest pattern of SBI Clerk exam and will be beneficial for your preparations. So, keep following the quizzes which will provide you a set of 10 questions daily.
Here, we are providing you important questions of English Language for SBI Clerk 2019 exam.

Directions (1-10): Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. 

Many individuals like investing in physical assets, such as real estate and gold. The touch-and-feel factor is no doubt a positive aspect. But there is the issue of portability — you cannot move (real estate) or easily carry (gold) your investment if your employment demands you to relocate frequently. Your desire for real assets can be, perhaps, attributed to your family background. Your grandparents and even your parents may have invested heavily in real estate and gold. Their investments could have brought them handsome returns; real estate prices have climbed sharply in recent times as have gold prices since the sub-prime crisis in 2008. But this does not necessarily make real assets an attractive investment choice for you. Unlike your grandparents or parents, you may not live in the same city all your working life. We live in a world where employment is uncertain and professional work requires frequent relocation. This means your employment could take you across cities in your home country and even outside the country. And that may cause problems in managing your real assets. 

Take your real estate investment. Sure, you can let out your property on rent. But who will maintain it? How will you safeguard your investment if your real estate is in a city where you do not live? Likewise, your employment portability can be a cause for concern if you invest in physical gold. Will you keep your gold in safe deposit bank locker in the city where you first lived? Or will you transport your physical gold to wherever you relocate? Remember, it may be relatively easy to buy gold than to get a bank locker! Your portfolio’s portability should be in line with your employment portability. You should buy gold ETFs instead of physical gold. These are financial investments in gold and give you the same return as physical gold. Besides, you can convert your financial gold into cash faster. Of course, financial gold deprives you of the touch-and-feel factor. We suggest that you have minimum investment in physical gold and carry the rest as financial gold. The advantage with financial gold is that investment selection is easy; all gold ETFs offer similar returns and charge similar fees. Buying physical gold, including jewellery, on the other hand, requires more skill. What about real estate investment? If your employment is portable, you should consider deferring your real estate investment to age 45. For one, you may have a better picture of how you want your post-retirement life to be when you are past your mid-career than when you are 35. Thus, making your real estate investment past 45 could keep you in proximity to your investment property. And two, you may still get a 15-year home loan at 45. Fortunately, soon you may be able to invest in financial real estate through Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). No doubt, REITs that are exchange-traded will have additional market risks. But REITs can improve your portfolio’s portability besides offering investment to several properties for a smaller capital outlay. Your portfolio’s portability level becomes increasingly important in a globalised employment market. This does not mean that you should not have real assets in your portfolio. Besides your self-occupied house, you would do well to keep your real asset investments to not more than a fourth of your total portfolio if your employment is portable. Of course, the portfolio portability argument assumes that you cannot always depend on your extended family to care for your real investments at home when your professional work takes you elsewhere. 

Q.1 In which of the following ways, is gold ETF different from physical gold, as mentioned in the passage? 

(1) It remains in digital or physical form but physical gold remains in physical form only. 

(2) It can be converted into cash faster than is the case with physical gold. 

(3) It can be exchanged for physical gold but physical gold cannot be exchanged for gold ETF. 

(4) It is transferrable but this facility is not available with physical gold. 

(5) Not clearly mentioned in the passage. 

Q.2 Which of the following is TRUE in the context of the passage? 

(1) Touch-and-feel factor is associated with physical gold only. 

(2) Investment in real estate and in gold has become a costly affair. 

(3) Nowadays, employment demands people to relocate. 

(4) Only 1 and 2 

(5) All of the above 

Q.3 For which of the following reasons, has the author recommended deferring the decision of real estate investment to the age of 45? 

(1) By that age, the person accumulates wealth to be able to buy property of his choice. 

(2) You may still get a 15-year home loan at 45. 

(3) By that time, one would have planned how one wanted to spend one’s life after retirement. 

(4) By that time, people normally complete all their liabilities and can concentrate on the aspect of making huge investments. 

(5) Both (2) and (3) 

Q.4 What is meant by ‘Relocation in professional work’? 

(1) The employment demand one to move to different cities for official reasons. 

(2) Additional responsibility given in professional set up 

(3) Ever-increasing unemployment in our country 

(4) Habit of hopping jobs in expectation of better salary 

(5) Not explained in the passage 

Q.5 The author has recommended investing what percentage of total portfolio in real assets, if one’s employment is portable? 

(1) 10% 

(2) 20% 

(3) 25% 

(4) 50% 

(5) 80% 

Q.6 How are Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) useful, from the point of view of investing in real estate? 

A. One gets a chance to invest in multiple properties by investing a little sum. 

B. It promises to get good returns that are higher than any other investment avenue. 

C. It brings portability factor to the portfolio. 

(1) Only A 

(2) Only B 

(3) Only C 

(4) Only A and B 

(5) Only B and C 

Q.7 Choose the word which is most nearly the OPPOSITE in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage. 


(1) Encouraging 

(2) Hastening 

(3) Hindering 

(4) Gathering 

(5) Scanning 

Q.8 Choose the word which is most nearly the OPPOSITE in meaning as the word printed in bold as used in the passage. 


(1) Believes 

(2) Nominates 

(3) Rests 

(4) Wipes 

(5) Rejects 

Q.9 Choose the word most SIMILAR in meaning to the word printed in bold, as used in the passage. 


(1) Challenge 

(2) Follow 

(3) Shift 

(4) Function 

(5) Consider 

Q.10 Choose the word most SIMILAR in meaning to the word printed in bold, as used in the passage. 


(1) Attractive 

(2) Calculated 

(3) Admired 

(4) Risky 

(5) Predictable 

Answers :- 

Q.1 (2) 

Q.2 (5) 

Q.3 (5) 

Q.4 (1) 

Q.5 (3) 

Q.6 (4) 

Q.7 (2) 

Q.8 (5) 

Q.9 (3) 

Q.10 (1)

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