1. UBER (ADJECTIVE): (शानदार): super, extreme or outstanding.
Synonyms: magnificent, extraordinary
Antonyms: worthless, useless
Example Sentence:
It’s an uber ride.
2. NOSTRUM (NOUN): (औषध): cure
Synonyms: panacea, potion
Antonyms: disease, injury
Example sentence:
Supermarket shelves are lined with nostrums claiming to alleviate flu symptoms.
3. ADORABLE (ADJECTIVE): (प्यारा): lovable especially in a childlike or naive way.
Synonyms: lovely, gullible
Antonyms: hateful, mature
Example Sentence:
What an adorable set of twins!
4. FOUL (ADJECTIVE): (कलुषित): highly offensive; arousing aversion or disgust.
Synonyms: bad, rotten
Antonyms: fair, good
Example Sentence:
From where this foul smell is coming?
5. PUTREFACTION (NOUN): (सड़न): decay
Synonyms: adulteration, decomposition
Antonyms: betterment, growth
Example sentence:
At an early age Mathew contributed to our knowledge of the causes of putrefaction and fermentation.
6. DELINEATE (VERB): (चित्रित करना): describe; outline
Synonyms: define, depict
Antonyms: distort, confuse
Example Sentence:
It is very difficult to delineate this chapter in few words.
7. ABSURD (ADJECTIVE): (बेतुका): inconsistent with reason, logic or common sense.
Synonyms: idiotic, illogical
Antonyms: logical, sensible
Example Sentence:
What an absurd idea !
8. ABASEMENT (NOUN): (मानहानि): A low or downcast state.
Synonyms: abjection, humiliation
Antonyms: praising, commendable
Example Sentence:
Every disaster brought my brother into an attitude of abasement.
9. PREVARICATE (VERB): (छलकपट करना): belie
Synonyms: cavil, con
Antonyms: be honest, tell truth
Example sentence:
British ministers continued to prevaricate on the issue.
10. PROPINQUITY (NOUN): (सान्निध्य): closeness
Synonyms: togetherness, nearness
Antonyms: distance, remoteness
Example sentence:
My maternal uncle is in great propinquity with me.