1. CARPING (ADJECTIVE): (अवगुण ढूंढ़नेवाला): find fault
Synonyms: complaining, bellyaching
Antonyms: complimentary, forgiving Example sentence:
They deserve recognition, not carping criticism.
2. CASTIGATE (VERB): (सज़ा देना): to punish Synonyms: berate, chasten
Antonyms: exonerate, forgive Example sentence:
The teacher castigated him for his incomplete homework.
3. CAVIL (VERB): (दोष ढूंढना): quibble Synonyms: object, complain
Antonyms: accept, agree Example sentence:
This is not the time to cavil about petty details.
4. COERCE (VERB): (विवश करना): to force a person into doing something Synonyms: compel, press
Antonyms: help, aid Example sentence:
She was never coerced by her husband into bringing money from her parents.
5. CHARY (ADJECTIVE): (सावधान): careful Synonyms: cautious, watchful
Antonyms: careless, hasty Example sentence:
She should be chary of the strangers.
6. DETERIORATE (VERB): (बिगड़ जाना): get worse Synonyms: decline, worsen
Antonyms: improve, get better Example sentence:
The condition of her sister has deteriorated.
7. DEMURE (ADJECTIVE): (संकोची): shy Synonyms: reserved, modest
Antonyms: forward, brash Example sentence:
I was thinking that Ranu was demure by nature but I was wrong.
8. DERANGED (ADJECTIVE): (विक्षिप्त): mad Synonyms: crazy, insane Antonyms: calm, normal Example sentence:
A deranged man killed 14 people in the city.
9. DEBACLE (NOUN): (पतन): downfall Synonyms: beating, disaster Antonyms: triumph, victory
Example sentence:
The poor batting performance resulted in the debacle of the team.
10. DEVOUT (ADJECTIVE): (धर्मनिष्ठ): religious Synonyms: pious, devoted
Antonyms: unbelieving, insincere
Example sentence:
No doubt, my mother is a devout lady.