The Staff Selection Commission conducted the Combined Graduate Level Examination (Tier-I), 2018 from 04.06.2019 to 13.06.2019 in the Computer Based Mode. Re-examination for 4825 candidates was conducted on 19.06.2019 and examination for 1 (one) candidate was conducted on 10.07.2019 on the Orders of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. A total of 8,36,139 candidates appeared in the said examination.
Based on marks scored in Tier-I Computer Based Examination, candidates have been shortlisted, category-wise, to appear in Tier-II Examination. Separate cut-offs have been fixed for the posts of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer (List-1), Junior Statistical Officer in the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation (List-2) and all other posts (List-3).
As the Tier-I Computer Based Examination was conducted in multiple shifts, marks scored by the candidates have been normalized as per the formula published by the Commission on its website on 07.02.2019. Such normalized marks have been used to qualify the candidates for the next stage of Examination (i.e. Tier-II).
The Category-wise details of candidates who have provisionally qualified for Tier-II and the cut-offs applied for each category are given in the Tables below:
The Combined Graduate Level (Tier-II) Examination, 2018 is tentatively scheduled to be held from 11.09.2019 to 13.09.2019. The Admission Certificate of the qualified candidates will be uploaded on the websites of the respective Regional Offices approximately 07 days before the conduct of the Tier-II Exam. However, the candidates who are unable to download their Admit Cards may contact the concerned Regional Offices immediately. The responsibility of ensuring the download of the Admit Cards is solely of the candidates.
Marks of the qualified/non-qualified candidates and Final Answer Keys along with the Question Paper(s) in a standard format will be hosted shortly on the Commission’s website -
Combined Graduate Level Examination 2018 - List of candidates in Roll Number order provisionally qualified in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II Examination (Paper-I and Paper-II) [List-3]
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Combined Graduate Level Examination 2018 - List of candidates in Roll Number order provisionally qualified in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II Examination (Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-III) [List-2]
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Combined Graduate Level Examination 2018 - List of candidates in Roll Number order provisionally qualified in Tier-I for appearing in Tier-II Examination (Paper-I, Paper-II and Paper-IV) [List-1]
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