1. MAGNANIMITY (NOUN): generosity:(दरियादिली)
Synonyms: chivalry, philanthropy
Antonyms: meanness, selfishness
Example Sentence:
Mukesh is known for his magnanimity.
2. ADDUCE (VERB): cite as evidence.:(उल्लेख करना)
Synonyms: affirm, prove
Antonyms: obscure, hide
Example Sentence:
Since the lawyer couldn’t adduce his point, the judge didn’t believe his hypothesis.
3. TOUT (VERB): show off:(शेखी बघारना)
Synonyms: proclaim, publicize
Antonyms: conceal condemn
Example Sentence:
Mohini touts her wealth and position.
4. GELID (ADJECTIVE): freezing:(हिम-शीत)
Synonyms: chilling, arctic
Antonym: warm, tepid
Example Sentence:
The room of the hotel was Gelid and dark while it was a scorching heat outside.
5. GAOL (VERB): imprison:(बन्दी करना)
Synonyms: jail, confine
Antonyms: free, emancipate
Example Sentence:
The place where criminals were gaoled, now contains a huge restaurant in it.
6. MASCOT (NOUN): lucky charm:(शुभंकर)
Synonyms: amulet, talisman
Antonyms: repulsion, unlucky
Example Sentence:
Parinishtha,is the best mascot our college has ever had.
7. LAIR (NOUN): cave:(गुफा)
Synonyms: habitat, hideaway
Antonyms: unveil, display
Example Sentence:
A huge polar bear slumbered peacefully in its lair.
8. MOOT (ADJECTIVE): doubtful:(विवादास्पद)
Synonyms: controversial, dubious
Antonyms: certain, definite
Example Sentence:
Peter’s case accusations over the property were considered moot.
9. SLOVENLY (ADJECTIVE): messy:(लापरवाह)
Synonyms: disordered, disheveled
Antonyms: organized, clean
Example Sentence:
Once its slovenly clothes were washed, the dog looked quite adorable.
10. PANTHEIST (NOUN): person who does not believe in an orthodox religion:(सर्वेश्वरवादी)
Synonyms: agnostic, atheist
Antonyms: believer, follower
Example Sentence:
He has been a pantheist fellow since college days.
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