As IBPS RRB has released the much-awaited vacancies for the post of Junior Assistants (Clerk) & PO, we have launched subject-wise quizzes for the exam. It will include quizzes of all the subjects- Quantitative Aptitude, English, Reasoning and Computer. All these quizzes will be strictly based on the latest pattern of IBPS RRB PO/Clerk exam and will be beneficial for your preparations. So, keep following the quizzes which will provide you a set of 10 questions daily.
Here, we are providing you important questions of Quantitative Aptitude for IBPS RRB PO/Clerk 2019 exam.
Q(1) 300 gm sugar solution has 40% sugar in it. How much sugar should be added to make it 50% in the solution?
300 ग्राम के चीनी के विलयन में 40% चीनी है। इसमें कितनी चीनी मिलायी जाये ताकि विलयन में चीनी 50% हो जाए ?
(1) 25 gm
(2) 45 gm
(3) 40gm
(4) 60 gm
(5) 50 gm
Q(2) Shyam can row against the stream in 9 hrs and comes back to the starting point in 6 hrs. If the speed of stream is 2.4 Km/hr. Find the speed of the boat in still water?
श्याम धारा के विरुद्ध किसी दूरी को 9 घंटे में पार करता है तथा वापस निर्धारित स्थान पर वापस आने में 6 घंटे लेता है। धारा की चाल 2.4 किमी /घंटा है। शांत जल में नाव की चाल ज्ञात कीजिये?
(1) 12 Km/hr
(2) 16 Km/hr
(3) 18 Km/hr
(4) 10 Km/hr
(5) 8 Km/hr
Q(3) A shopkeeper gave 5 T-shirt free on the purchase of 20 T-shirts on cash and 3 T-shirts free on purchase of 27 T-shirt, if they are purchase on credit. Find the difference in discount percent in both the cases?
एक दुकानदार 5 टी शर्ट मुफ्त देता है यदि 20 टी शर्ट नकद देकर खरीदी जाये और 3 टी शर्ट मुफ्त देता है यदि 27 टी शर्ट उधार पर खरीदी जाये, छूट प्रतिशत का अंतर ज्ञात कीजिये?
(1) 8%
(2) 5%
(5) 10%
Q-(4-8) In each of the following question, equations are given. You have to solve them and state the correct relationship-
निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों में समीकरण दिये गये है, दिये गये समीकरणों को हल कीजिए और सही सम्बन्ध स्थापित कीजिये -
(1) If P>Q
(2) If P>Q
(3) If P
(4) If P<Q
(5) If P=Q or relationship cannot be established
(1) If P>Q
(2) If P>Q
(3) If P
(4) If P<Q
(5) If P=Q or relationship cannot be established
Q(6) I. P2 – 6P – 16 = 0
II. Q2 + 6Q – 16 = 0
(1) If P>Q
(2) If P>Q
(3) If P
(4) If P<Q
(5) If P=Q or relationship cannot be established
Q(7) I. P2 + 2P + 1 = 0
II. Q2 = 4
(1) If P>Q
(2) If P>Q
(3) If P
(4) If P<Q
(5) If P=Q or relationship cannot be established
Q(8) I. P2 = 36
II. Q2 = 49
(1) If P>Q
(2) If P>Q
(3) If P
(4) If P<Q
(5) If P=Q or relationship cannot be established
Q(9) A and B can do a piece of work in 15 days, B and C can do it in 18 days and C and A can do it in 24 days. B alone can do the work in how many days?
A और B किसी काम को 15 दिनों में कर सकता है। B और C उसी काम को 18 दिनों में और C और A उसी काम को 24 दिनों में कर सकते है। तो B अकेले उस कार्य को कितने दिनों में करेगा?
26 days
(4) None of these
Q(10) What is the minimum amount of cardboard required to make a closed box of dimension 26 cm × 20 cm × 7 cm?
एक बन्द बाक्स जिसकी भुजाएं क्रमशः 26 सेमी × 20 सेमी × 7 सेमी है, को बनाने के लिए दफ्ती की न्यूनतम कितनी मात्रा की आवश्यकता होगी ?
(1) 4096 cm2
(2) 1684 cm2
(3) 1849 cm2
(4) Cannot be determined
(5) None of these
Answers :-
P : Q = 72 : 77
Q > P
I. P = +8, – 2
II. Q = – 8, +2
So, relation cannot be established.
I. P = – 1
II. Q = +2
So, relation cannot be established.
I. P = +6
II. Q = +7
So, relation cannot be established.
Area of required cardboard
= 2 [26 × 20 + 26 × 7 + 20 × 7]
= 2 (520+ 182 + 140)
= 2 × 842
= 1684 cm2