As IBPS has released the much-awaited vacancies for the post of Junior Assistants (Clerk) & PO, we have launched subject-wise quizzes for the exam. It will include quizzes of all the subjects- Quantitative Aptitude, English, Reasoning and Computer. All these quizzes will be strictly based on the latest pattern of IBPS PO/Clerk exam and will be beneficial for your preparations. So, keep following the quizzes which will provide you a set of 10 questions daily.
Here, we are providing you important questions of Quantitative Aptitude for IBPS PO/Clerk 2019 exam.
Q. 1. A referendum was conducted in London city to find whether they want to be part of EU or not and they have to answer in yes or no. If equal number of males and females participated. 70% of those who said yes were male and 80% of there who said no were female. Find what percent of males said yes?
लंदन शहर में जनमत संग्रह आयोजित किया गया जिसमें लोगों से पूछा गया कि वह EU का भाग रहना चाहते है अथवा नहीं उन्हें अपना उत्तर केवल हाँ या ना में देना था। यदि समान संख्या में पुरूषों तथा महिलाओं ने भाग लिया तथा हाँ कहने वालों में 70% प्रतिशत पुरूष थे तथा न कहने वालों में 80% महिलायें थी तो उन पुरूषों का प्रतिशत बताइए। जिन्होंने हाँ में उत्तर दिया था -
(1) 75%
(2) 60%
(3) 70%
(4) 84%
(5) 92%
Q. 2. In a partnership A invest Rs. 34800 and was joined by B after 6 months with investment of Rs. 43500. After another 6 months C also joined them with investment of Rs. 58000. If after two years total profit of Rs. 25270 is obtained. Find the share of B.
एक साझेदारी में A ने 34800 रूपये निवेश किये तथा 6 महीनों बाद B, 43500 रूपये निवेश के साथ व्यापार में शामिल हुआ और अगले 6 महीनें बाद C भी 58000 रूपये के निवेश के साथ व्यापार में शामिल हुआ। यदि 2 वर्ष के अन्त में 25270 रूपये का लाभ हुआ। B का हिस्सा ज्ञात कीजिए।
(1) Rs.7500
(2) Rs.7680
(3) Rs.8550
(4) Rs.8210
(5) None of these
Q. 3. Inside a square of side 12 cm an equilateral triangle is formed with its side equals to the side of square. If the triangle is cutout find the area of remaining part?
एक 12 सेमी. भुजा के वर्ग के अन्दर एक समबाहु त्रिभुज बनाया गया जिसकी भुजा वर्ग की भुजा के बराबर है। यदि त्रिभुज को काट कर बाहर निकाल दिया जाय तो बचे हुए भाग का क्षेत्रफल ज्ञात कीजिए।
(5) None of these
Q. 4. A principle of Rs. 18500 is deposited in a bank for two years which gives 20% rate of interest per annum compounded annually. Had the given interest compounded half yearly then interest would have been how many percent more than its present interest.
18500 रूपये का धन एक बैंक में दो वर्ष के लिए जमा किया गया जो कि 20 प्रतिशत वार्षिक ब्याज की दर से चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज देता है। यदि ब्याज अर्धवार्षिक नियोजित होता है तो ब्याज इस समय के ब्याज से कितना प्रतिशत अधिक होता -
(5) None of these
Q. 5. Population of a city is increased by 12% in first year, 15% in second year and 20% in third year and at the end of third year it becomes 432768. Find the population of city three years back.
एक शहर की जनसंख्या में प्रथम वर्ष में 12% की वृद्धि द्वितीय वर्ष में 15% की वृद्धि तथा तृतीय वर्ष 20% की वृद्धि हुई और तीसरे वर्ष के अन्त में यह बढ़कर 432768 हो गयी। तीन वर्ष पूर्व शहर की जनसंख्या ज्ञात कीजिए।
(1) 320000
(2) 280000
(3) 240000
(4) 310000
(5) None of these
Q. (6 – 10) In the following question find the value of a and b and state the correct relationship between them.
निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में a और b का मान ज्ञात कीजिए और उनके बीच सही सम्बन्ध स्थापित कीजिए।
Q. 6.
I. a2 + 18 a – 943 = 0
II. b2 + 40 b + 391= 0
(1) a > b
(2) a > b
(3) a < b
(4) a < b
(5) a = b or relationship can't be determined
Q. 7.
I. a2 – 72a + 1271 = 0
II. b2 – 48b + 527 = 0
(1) a > b
(2) a > b
(3) a < b
(4) a < b
(5) a = b or relationship can't be determined
Q. 8.
I. a2 + 4.9a + 5.44 = 0
II. b2 + 2.8b + 1.95 = 0
(1) a > b
(2) a > b
(3) a < b
(4) a < b
(5) a = b or relationship can't be determined
Q. 9.
I. 3a2 –
a + 44 = 0
II. 3b2 +
b – 32 = 0
(1) a > b
(2) a > b
(3) a < b
(4) a < b
(5) a = b or relationship can't be determined
Q. 10.
II. b =
(1) a > b
(2) a > b
(3) a < b
(4) a < b
(5) a = b or relationship can't be determined
Answer Key
1. Sol. (4)
Take percentage of males and apply alligation,
Required ratio = 3 : 2
People saying yes = 
Again = 70% of 120 = 84%
2. Sol. (3)
34800 × 24 : 43500 × 18 : 58000 × 12
12 × 24 : 15 × 18 : 20 × 12 = 48 : 45 : 40
Share of B =
= Rs.8550
3. Sol. (2)
4. Sol. (2)
5. Sol. (2)
6. Sol. (5)
a = – 41, 23
b = – 23, – 17
Hence relationship can't be established.
7. Sol. (2)
a = 31, 41
b = 31, 17
a > b
8. Sol. (3)
a = – 3.2, – 1.7
b = – 1.5, – 1.3
a < b
9. Sol. (2)
a > b
10. Sol. (3)
a < b