1. MOUTHY (ADJECTIVE): (वाचाल): Talkative
Synonyms: chatty, gabby
Antonyms: reticent, silent
Example Sentence:
Synonyms: affable, elegant
Antonyms: awkward, inelegant
Example Sentence:
Suneet has a debonair personality.
3. PESTILENT (ADJECTIVE): (प्राणघाती): Baneful
Synonyms: contagious, deleterious
Antonyms: harmless, innocuous
Example Sentence:
To many, homeless beggars are nothing more than pestilent irritants.
4. PERPETRATE (VERB): (करना): Be responsible for
Synonyms: carry out, commit
Antonyms: halt, stop
Example Sentence:
Who would perpetrate for this crime?
5. RAKISH (ADJECTIVE): (विलासी जैसा): Charming and immoral
Synonyms: dashing, jaunty
Antonyms: moral, upright
Example Sentence:
She gave Maddy a rakish smile.
6. ENGROSS (VERB): (मोहित करना): Bewitch
Synonyms: captivate, enrapture
Antonyms: disenchant, disgust
Example Sentence:
I was totally engrossed by her beauty.
7. MIDDLING (ADJECTIVE): (पर्याप्त): Adequate
Synonyms: mediocre, passable
Antonyms: extreme, exceptional
Example Sentence:
The patient needs middling amount of water every half an hour.
8. DECOY (NOUN): (पाश): Trap
Synonyms: attraction, inducement
Antonyms: honesty, frankness
Example Sentence:
We caught a rat, using a decoy to trick it into the cage.
9. CANTANKEROUS (ADJECTIVE): (झगड़ालू): Ill-tempered
Synonyms: quarrelsome, critical
Antonyms: pleasant, peaceful
Example Sentence:
You are a cantankerous man.
10. DANK (ADJECTIVE): (नम): Moist
Synonyms: clammy, muggy
Antonyms: parched, dry
Example Sentence:
The middle section of the house is fully dank.