डालना): force someone into doing something, compel
Synonyms: forcibly
pass (a rule), impose
Antonyms: aid,
Example Sentence:
The government's trying to steamroller a law through.
2. DISCRETION (NOUN): (निर्णय): judgement
Synonyms: calculation, observation
Antonyms: carelessness,
Example Sentence:
They will use their discretion in shifting to the new city.
3. ERUDITE (ADJECTIVE): (विद्वान): scholarly
Synonyms: educated, learned
Antonyms: unintellectual, absent-minded
Example Sentence:
Ella is one of the erudite students of the class.
4. SPUNKY (ADJECTIVE): (दिलेर): spirited
Synonyms: energetic, courageous
Antonyms: inactive, lethargic
Example Sentence:
Natalie is a spunky girl.
5. UNDAUNTED (ADJECTIVE): (निडर): fearless
Synonyms: steadfast, undeterred
Antonyms: coward, timorous
Example Sentence:
David is an undaunted man.
6. APPEASE (VERB): (शांत
करना): pacify
Synonyms: soothe, satisfy
Antonyms: aggravate, irritate
Example Sentence:
Every political party tries to appease the minorities to create its own vote bank.
7. GENUFLECT (VERB): (घुटने के
बल बैठना): kowtow
Synonyms: bow, kneel
Antonyms: disrespect, disregard
Example Sentence:
I just genuflect before almighty.
8.IMPEACHMENT (NOUN): (दोषारोपण): allegation
Synonyms: arraignment, charge
Antonyms: absolution, acquittal
Example Sentence:
He is a man with unimpeachable.
9. SPITEFUL (ADJECTIVE): (द्वेषपूर्ण): hurtful
Synonyms: barbed, hateful
Antonyms: friendly, kind
Example Sentence:
There stood a very spiteful person in the corner of the room.
10. TREPIDATION (NOUN): (घबराहट): apprehension
Synonyms: anxiety, worry
Antonyms: assurance, composure
Example Sentence:
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