1. ESPIONAGE (NOUN): (जासूसी) spying
Synonyms: reconnaissance, intelligence
Antonyms: candid, frank
Example Sentence:
2. ENIGMA (NOUN): (रहस्य) mystery
Synonyms: knot, perplexity
Antonyms: solution, key
Example Sentence:
How they avoided the onslaught of the enemy, is still an enigma for us.
3. CONCURRENCE (NOUN): (सहमति) occurring together
Synonyms: unanimity, synchronicity
Antonyms: disagreement, discord
Example Sentence:
They have infuriated the senior leaders with the concurrence of their stupid remarks.
4. INDULGENT (ADJECTIVE): (दयालु) kind
Synonyms: compassionate, tolerant
Antonyms: inconsiderate, intolerant
Example Sentence:
There are many indulgent people in the world.
5. PROFOUND (ADJECTIVE): (गहन) (deeply) thoughtful
Synonyms: abstruse, philosophical
Antonyms: trivial, superficial
Example Sentence:
The teacher had a profound effect on his students.
6. PROCEEDS (NOUN): (कमाई) earning
Synonyms: revenue, reward
Antonyms: debt, loss
Example Sentence:
The government has ordered companies to share 2% of their proceeds with NGOs.
7. SHORTFALL (NOUN): (कमी) lack
Synonyms: inadequacy, flaw
Antonyms: abundance, plenty
Example Sentence:
His shortfalls are destroying his career.
8. PILE (NOUN): (संग्रह) collection
Synonyms: stockpile, accumulation
Antonyms: ditch, poverty
Example Sentence:
He gifted a pile of story books to the poor children.
9. BUYBACK (NOUN): (छूट) concession
Synonyms: privilege, allowance
Antonyms: repudiation, refusal
Example Sentence:
There are many buyback offers in the market.
10. UNVEIL (VERB): (ख़ुलासा) reveal
Synonyms: disclose, display
Antonyms: conceal, veil
Example Sentence:
They will unveil a new car very soon.