1. ORNERY (ADJECTIVE): belligerent :(नटखट)
Synonyms: cantankerous, contentious
Antonyms: agreeable, good-natured
Example Sentence:
She is ornery by nature.
2. OUTLAY (NOUN): expenses :(परिव्यय)
Synonyms: disbursement, expenditure
Antonyms: savings, income
Example Sentence:
3. VERBALIZATION (NOUN): discourse :(शाब्दिक अभिव्यक्ति)
Synonyms: communication, discussion
Antonyms: silence, quite
Example Sentence:
The verbalization between them was very compendiary.
4. ROTE (NOUN): routine of daily life :(दुहराव)
Synonyms: course, habit
Antonyms: disorder, dis organization
Example Sentence:
She has been in a rote after a long time.
5. MUDDLED (ADJECTIVE): disordered :(अव्यवस्थित)
Synonyms: chaotic, disarrayed
Antonyms: ordered, organized
Example Sentence:
His improper steps landed him in muddled situation.
6. HIATUS (NOUN): pause :(विराम)
Synonyms: lacuna, space
Antonyms: closing, closure
Example Sentence:
We were given a hiatus.
7. FRORE (ADJECTIVE): bitter :(जमा हुआ)
Synonyms: chilly, frosty
Antonyms: heated, hot
Example Sentence:
They share a frore relationship.
8. IMPERVIOUS (ADJECTIVE): impenetrable :(अभेद्य)
Synonyms: invulnerable, impassable
Antonyms: affected, susceptible
Example Sentence:
I saw an impervious layer of basaltic clay.
9. HALTER (NOUN): control :(लगाम)
Synonyms: check, deterrent
Antonyms: encouragement, liberation
Example Sentence:
She haltered her emotions.
10. IDYLL (NOUN): suggestive :(विचारोत्तेजक)
Synonyms: expressive, reminiscent
Antonyms: unexpressive, non-reminiscent
Example Sentence:
The rural idyll remains strongly evocative.