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Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For IBPS PO Mains | 16-11-19

Mahendra Guru
Quantitative Aptitude Quiz For IBPS PO Mains | 16-11-19
Dear Students,

First of all Congratulations to all the IBPS PO Prelims qualified candidates. Mahendras has started special quizzes for IBPS PO Mains examination so that you can practice more and more to secure your spot in the list of mains examination qualified candidates. This IBPS PO Mains special quiz series will mold your preparations in the right direction and the regular practice of these quizzes will be really very helpful in scoring good marks in the Examination.

 Instruction: - Read the following data carefully and answer the question given below.

Work Ratio of efficiency
M : W : C
Number of day taken by a man (in days) Total work
A 5 : 4 : 3 --- 150
B 3 : 2 : 1 45 ---
C 4 : 3 : 1 40 ---
D 2 : 5 : 3 50 ---
E 4 : 3 : 2 --- 288

निर्देश :- निम्नलिखित सूचना को ध्यान पूर्वक पढ़ें और नीचे लिखे प्रश्नों का जबाब दें?

 M : W : C की क्षमताओं का अनुपात एक पुरुष द्वारा काम करने में लिया गया समय (दिनों में ) कुल काम
A 5 : 4 : 3 --- 150
B 3 : 2 : 1 45 ---
C 4 : 3 : 1 40 ---
D 2 : 5 : 3 50 ---
E 4 : 3 : 2 --- 288

Q.1:- Number of day taken by a children to complete work B is how much percent more or less than the number of day taken by a children to complete the work E? 

एक बच्चे द्वारा काम B को समाप्त करने में लिया गया समय, एक बच्चे द्वारा काम E को समाप्त करने में लिये गये समय का से कितना प्रतिशत कम या ज्यादा है?

  1.  6.25%  more/अधिक
  2.  33.33% more/ अधिक
  3.  12.5% less / कम
  4.  6.25% less/कम
  5.  None of these/ इनमे से कोई नहीं
Q.2:- What is ratio of number of day taken by women to do work D to the number of day taken by a child to do work A?

एक महिला द्वारा कार्य  D को करने में लगे समय  और एक बच्चे द्वारा कार्य A को करने में लगे समय का अनुपात क्या होगा ?

(1) 3: 5
(2) 4: 5
(3) 1:5
(4) 2: 3
(5) None of these/ इनमे से कोई नहीं

Q.3:- For completing work B all of them get Rs.5400 and for completing work D a man get Rs.2000 then amount received by a child to complete B is what percent of amount received by women to do work D?

कार्य B को समाप्त करने में सभी को 5400 रुपये मिलते है और कार्य D को समाप्त करने पर एक आदमी को 2000 रुपये मिलते है तो एक बच्चे द्वारा कार्य B को समाप्त पर मिले रूपये एक औरत द्वारा कार्य D को संपत करने पर मिले रुपयों का कितना प्रतिशत है?  

(1) 35%
(2) 33.33%
(3) 30%
(4) 47%
(5) None of these/ इनमे से कोई नहीं

Q.4 If work A can be started by man and alternatively assisted by a women and a child then in how many day whole work will be completed? 

यदि काम A को एक आदमी शुरु करता है और एकांतर दिनों में एक महिला और एक बच्चे द्वारा सहायता प्राप्त करता है तो कुल कार्य को समाप्त करने में कितना समय लगेगा?

  1.  12bank-quiz-maths-16-11-19
  2.  11bank-quiz-maths-16-11-19
  3.  11bank-quiz-maths-16-11-19
  4.  12bank-quiz-maths-16-11-19
  5.  None of these/ इनमे से कोई नहीं
Q.5:- what is the average of number of day required to do all work by children? 

बच्चों द्वारा सभी कार्यों  को करने में लगे दिनों का औसत क्या होगा?

  1.  111.4 day/दिन
  2.  75.8day/दिन
  3.  101.8 days/ दिन
  4.  100.5 days / दिन
  5.  None of these/ इनमे से कोई नहीं
Q.6:- Distance between Lucknow and Ayodhya is 300 km two man A and B starts from Lucknow and reach the destination, if speed of A and B is 45 and x km/hr.  respectively. if the time taken by both of them is t hr. and t is 66.66% of x. what is the value of x: 

(1) 34.56km/hr
(2) 25 km/hr.
(3)  insufficient data/ अपर्याप्त आंकड़े
(4) 30 km/hr.
(5) none of these/ इनमे से कोई नहीं

Instruction:- From (7- 10) what value will come in place of question mark (?) in the number – series given below?

  Q.7:-            1.5     5     20     ?     215     422

(1) 73
(2) 74
(3) 77
(4) 75
(5) NONE OF THESE/ इनमे से कोई नहीं

 (Q.8)   1      2      8      33        ?           765

(1) 140
(2) 148
(3) 145
(4) 134
(5) 146

Q.9:- 8      17.5      ?     78.5     161.5     328.5
(1) 37.25
(2) 37.5
(3) 32.45
(4) 28.6
(5) 34.5       

Q.10     7       4      6     21      135        ?
(1) 1298
(2) 1220
(3) 1210
(4) 1230
(5) 1240


Q.1 Solution:-
Number of days taken by children to do the work B = bank-quiz-maths-16-11-19 = 135 days
Number of days taken by children to do the work E = bank-quiz-maths-16-11-19 = 144 days
Required percentage = bank-quiz-maths-16-11-19 bank-quiz-maths-16-11-19 100 = 6.25% less

एक बच्चे द्वारा का B को करने में लिया गया समय = bank-quiz-maths-16-11-19 = 135 दिन
एक बच्चे द्वारा काम E को समाप्त  करने में लगा समय = bank-quiz-maths-16-11-19 = 144 दिन
अभीष्ट प्रतिशत = bank-quiz-maths-16-11-19 bank-quiz-maths-16-11-19 100 = 6.25% कम

Q.2 Solution:-
Number of day taken by child to do work A = bank-quiz-maths-16-11-19 = 50 days
Number of day taken by women to do work D =  bank-quiz-maths-16-11-19 days
Required ratio = bank-quiz-maths-16-11-19 : 50
                        = 2: 3

Q.3 Solution: -
 For work B,
6 ratio = Rs.5400
1 ratio = Rs.900
Amount received by child = bank-quiz-maths-16-11-19
For work D,
Amount received by a man = 2000
2 ratio = Rs.2000
3 ratio = Rs.3000
Required percentage =( 900/30000 ) *100= 30%

Q.4 Solution:-
Work on 1st day =
Efficiency of One men and one women = 5 + 4 = 9
Work on 2nd day
 Efficiency of one men and one child = 5 + 3 = 8
Efficiency on 2 day = 17
Day to be required = bank-quiz-maths-16-11-19 = 5 bank-quiz-maths-16-11-19 2 + 1 + bank-quiz-maths-16-11-19 = 11bank-quiz-maths-16-11-19 

Q.5 Solution:-
Number of days required by children to do all work
=  bank-quiz-maths-16-11-19
=  50 + 135 + 160 + 20 + 144 =  509
Required average = bank-quiz-maths-16-11-19 = 101.8 days

As we know,
After solving,
X =  – 15, 30
Speed can’t be –ve  so x = 30 km/hr

Q.7 Solution:- 74
Logic: - ×6-4, ×5-5, ×4-6, ×3-7, ×2-8

Q.8 Solution:- (3) 145 1×1+12 = 2
2×2 +22  = 8
8×3+32 =33
33 ×4+42=148
148 ×5+52=765

Q.9 Solution :- 37.5
LOGIC:- ×2+1.5, ×2+2.5, ×2+3.5, ...

Q. (10) Solution:-   1210
 LOGIC:- ×1-3, × 3- 6, × 5 -9, × 7-12, ×9 - 15

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