1. TITILLATE (VERB): (गुदगुदाना/ उत्तेजित करना) excite
Synonyms: stimulate, tantalize
Antonyms: bore, disenchant
Example Sentence:
2. CONTENTIOUS (ADJECTIVE): (विवादास्पद) quarrelsome
Synonyms: combative, belligerent
Antonyms: agreeable, enjoyable
Example Sentence:
She tends to avoid contentious topics of conversation.
3. AGGRIEVED (ADJECTIVE): (व्याकुल) grieving
Synonyms: very distressed, disturbed
Antonyms: comforted, pleased
Example Sentence:
Many aggrieved prisoners expressed their innocence.
4. GIGANTIC (ADJECTIVE): (विशाल) very large
Synonyms: enormous, giant
Antonyms: miniscule, miniature
Example Sentence:
A series of scams disturbed the gigantic scheme.
5. SEISMIC (ADJECTIVE): (भूकंप-संबंधी) quaky
Synonyms: quivering, tremulous
Antonyms: fixed, solid
Example Sentence:
The relation of the volcanic phenomena and of the seismic is clearly to be seen.
6. RENDER (VERB): (प्रस्तुत करना) deliver
Synonyms: give, provide
Antonyms: hold, keep
Example Sentence:
Funds will be used to render food to the homeless.
7. RELENTLESS (ADJECTIVE): (अविरल) determined
Synonyms: rigorous, dogged
Antonyms: flexible, irresolute
Example Sentence:
Sania is a relentless player.
Synonyms: delicate, shaky
Antonyms: strong, healthy
Example Sentence:
Don’t you dare consider yourself a tenuous person.
9. RIPPLE (VERB): (लहराना) oscillate
Synonyms: pulsate, vacillate
Antonyms: be still, remain
Example Sentence:
The rods are caused to oscillate slowly by an engine.
10. AMENDMENT (NOUN): (संशोधन) change
Synonyms: revision, correction
Antonyms: damage, hurt
Example Sentence:
None of the senators think that an amendment would be approved.
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