1. ABSOLVE (VERB): (दोषमुक्त करना) acquit
Synonyms: exempt, exonerate
Antonyms: condemn, convict
Example Sentence:
2. ADHERENT (NOUN): (अनुयायी) supporter
Synonyms: backer, devotee
Antonyms: antagonist, non believer
Example Sentence:
He is an adherent of theism.
3. AFFRONT (NOUN): (निरादर) insult
Synonyms: indignity, provocation
Antonyms: praise, complement
Example Sentence:
I found this statement as an affront.
4. AVIDITY (NOUN): (उत्सुकता) alertness
Synonyms: alacrity, briskness
Antonyms: indifference, dullness
Example Sentence:
You should do it with some avidity.
5. ALLEVIATE (VERB): (कम करना) allay
Synonyms: assuage, ease
Antonyms: worsen, intensify
Example Sentence:
Maya couldn't prevent her pain, only alleviate it.
6. AWKWARD (ADJECTIVE): (अनाड़ी) clumsy
Synonyms: rude, stiff
Antonyms: adroit, artful
Example Sentence:
I found his saying quite awkward.
7. APPARENT (ADJECTIVE): (आभासी) possible
Synonyms: probable, supposed
Antonyms: doubtful, dubious
Example Sentence:
I see this is an apparent reason for this disaster.
8. ALLURE (NOUN): (आकर्षण) attraction
Synonyms: charisma, charm
Antonyms: repulsion, loathing
Example Sentence:
The hungry child could not resist the allure of the food.
9. ABORTIVE (ADJECTIVE): (अविकसित) failed
Synonyms: fruitless, futile
Antonyms: fruitful, productive
Example Sentence:
He made an abortive attempt this time.
10. ABOMINABLE (ADJECTIVE): (घिनौना) abhorrent
Synonyms: atrocious, awful
Antonyms: pleasing, desirous
Example Sentence:
His works made him abominable person.