As you all know that IBPS Clerk Prelims exams dates are aproaching and it is high time for you to start your preparation for the exam. In order to make you prepared for the examination, Mahendras has started new quizzes of Maths, English & Reasoning section of the IBPS Clerk Prelims, these quizzes will be very beneficial for the exam. You can practice these quizzes on daily basis
Directions (1-5): In each of the following sentences there are two blank spaces. Below each five pairs of words have been denoted by numbers (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). Find out which pair of words can be filled up in the blanks in the sentences in the same sequence to make the sentence meaningfully complete.
Q1 Most parents say that while they don't --------paying the tuition fee, some demands by schools are------.
01. complain, proven
02. disapprove, idle
03. mind, unjustified
04. deserve, insulted
05. like, assuming
Q2 Hepatitis B is -------with the safe and ---------vaccination process.
01. preventable, effective
02. futile, adequate
03. inescapable, operative
04. undesirable, valid
05. inevitable, forceful
Q3 --------of graduates are losing out their jobs because of -------of employability.
01. Thousands, shortcomings
02. lot, inadequacy
03. most, reduction
04. Thousands, lack
05. plenty, shortcoming
Q4 --------is one of the crucial factors that trigger --------in aquatic animals
01. humidity, flight
02. acidity, movement
03. aridity, separation
04. salty, exasperation
05. salinity, migration
Q5 The lion was ---------in the shrubs, making it difficult for foresters to -------it.
01. residing, found
02. hidden, locate
03. alone, discover
04. threatened, place
05. cloaking, strike
Directions (6-10): Read each sentence to find out if there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (5).
Q6 The number of people (1)/connected to one house water connection (2)/is high in some cities and these creates stress (3)/on the water distribution network (4)/ No error (5)
01. 1
02. 2
03. 3
04. 4
05. 5
Q7 Prominent schools in the city (1)/have become more vigilance (2)/and alert about the security (3)/ of their students (4)/ No error (5)
01. 1
02. 2
03. 3
04. 4
05. 5
Q8 Citizens should take sensible decisions (1)/and cooperate to each other to solve the problems (2)/even if they have to make individual sacrifices (3)/for societal peace (4)/ No error (5)
01. 1
02. 2
03. 3
04. 4
05. 5
Q9 Women are aware of (1)/their rights and realize that (2)/they do not have to (3)/ put with torture or abuse (4)/ No error (5)
01. 1
02. 2
03. 3
04. 4
05. 5
Q10 The hospital superintendent was spending (1)/ huge amount on the areas (2)/which were actually not useful (3)/for patients' welfare (4)/ No error (5)
01. 1
02. 2
03. 3
04. 4
05. 5
Q.1 (3)
Q.2 (1)
Q.3 (4)
Q.4 (5)
Q.5 (2)
Q.6 (3)
Q.7 (2)
Q.8 (2)
Q.9 (4)
Q.10 (5)
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