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English Language Quiz For IBPS Clerk Mains | 28-12-19

Aditi Mahendras
English Language Quiz For IBPS Clerk Mains | 28- 12 - 19

Dear Readers,

Mahendras has started special quizzes for IBPS clerk Mains, It will include quizzes of all the subjects- Quantitative Aptitude, English, Reasoning and Computer. All these quizzes will be strictly based on the latest pattern of IBPS exam and will be beneficial for your preparations. Here, we are providing you important questions of English Language for IBPS CLERK Mains 2019-20 exam.

Directions (1-5): Read each of the following sentences to find out if there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of this part is your answer. If there is no error in the statement, then mark option (e) as your answer choice. 

Q1.The President of India’s address to Joint Sitting of Parliament (A)/ on June 2019 fresh from the results (B)/ of the general election — proclaimed that “my government is committed to that (C)/ very idea of nation-building, the founded for which was laid in 2014”(D)/. No Error (E) 


(B) B 

(C) C 

(D) D 

(E) No Error 

Q2. The U.S. decision to armed and assist Kurdish rebels (A)/ in Syria against the Islamic State was another blow. Ankara sees the People’s Protection Units, the main Syrian Kurdish (B)/ militia that became an American ally in the anti-IS war, as an affiliate of the Kurdistan (C)/ Workers Party, the Kurdish militia on the Turkish side (D)/. No error (E) 

(A) A 

(B) B 

(C) C 

(D) D 

(E) No Error 

Q3. India is believes to be resolutely moving forward (A)/ as an economic entity. Not even the currently slowing (B)/ growth takes away from this perception. Added to this is a celebration (C)/ of the Constitution undergirding our democracy(D)/. No error (E) 


(B) B 

(C) C 

(D) D 

(E) No Error 

Q4. It is acknowledged that this should entail (A)/ the elimination of religiously endorsed privileges,(B)/ the ending of domination by some over others (C)/ and a general ushering in of equality of opportunity(D)/. No error (E) 


(B) B 

(C) C 

(D) D 

(E) No Error 

Q5. The greater part of the spread of education (A)/ in the U.S. was through public school system. By comparison, in India (B)/, very little of the myriad public policy interventions (C)/ has been directed towards women empowerment (D)/. No Error (E) 


(B) B 

(C) C 

(D) D 

(E) No Error 

Directions (6-10): In each of the questions given below, 5 blanks are there, You have to choose a set of words that’s correct grammatically and contextually in order to fill the blank. 

The dangerous (A) nature of the move to create second-class citizens of the country’s largest minority population has become evident to all those who (B) the idea of India as enshrined in the Constitution of India. However, for the people of Assam, the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019, or the CAA, goes beyond re-defining citizenship on religious lines; it (C) a threat to the identity of the many small indigenous communities that make up the composite Assamese nationality while at the same time fomenting a linguistic-religious divide. Hence, there has been a (D) upsurge cemented by a strengthened sense of Assamese identity. Some youth have already been (E) in police firing and scores injured. 

Q6. Choose the correct option for (A). 



(C) Federate 

(D) Integrate 


Q7. Choose the correct option for (B). 





(E) Dispirit 

Q8. Choose the correct option for (C). 

(A) Uses 

(B) Poses 

(C) Dialect 

(D) Muster 

(E) Ponder 

Q9. Choose the correct option for (D). 

(A) Petite 




(E) Nugatory 

Q10. Choose the correct option for (E). 





(E) Assessed 











Q.10 (a)


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