Dear Readers,
Mahendras has started special quizzes for IBPS Clerk Mains examination so that you can practice more and more to secure your spot in the list of mains examination qualified candidates. This IBPS Clerk Mains special quiz series will mold your preparations in the right direction and the regular practice of these quizzes will be really very helpful in scoring good marks in the Examination.Here we are providing you important question of reasoning ability for IBPS CLERK MAINS 2019-20 EXAM.
Q (1-5)- In a certain code language
“make this best impression” is written as “24vh 31nl 20zp 41sr”.
“interview area this good” is written as “41sr 39mv 4iv 13ll”.
“opportunity today prove this” is written as “48lz 41sr 49kg 24ie”.
“your area best person” is written as “34vl 45lf 4iv 24vh”.
“interview area this good” is written as “41sr 39mv 4iv 13ll”.
“opportunity today prove this” is written as “48lz 41sr 49kg 24ie”.
“your area best person” is written as “34vl 45lf 4iv 24vh”.
Q (1-5)- एक निश्चित कूट भाषा में,
“make this best impression” को “24vh 31nl 20zp 41sr” लिखा जाता है।
“interview area this good” को “41sr 39mv 4iv 13ll” लिखा जाता है।
“opportunity today prove this” को “48lz 41sr 49kg 24ie” लिखा जाता है।
“your area best person” को “34vl 45lf 4iv 24vh” लिखा जाता है।
Q 1- What will be code for ‘growth’?
(1) 15vn
(2) 6zr
(3) 19ig
(4) 16wr
(5) 21vs
Q-1 ‘growth’ का कोड क्या है?
(1) 15vn
(2) 6zr
(3) 19ig
(4) 16wr
(5) 21vs
Q 2- What is code of ‘Quality’?
(1) 21wd
(2) 47fg
(3) 15vd
(4) 48lz
(5) 49kg
Q 2- ‘Quality’ का कोड क्या है?
(1) 21wd
(2) 47fg
(3) 15vd
(4) 48lz
(5) 49kg
Q 3- What is code of ‘place opportunity’?
(1) 49kg 45lf
(2) 24ox 39mv
(3) 26ox 51gk
(4) 24ox 49kg
(5) 41sr 34vl
Q 3- ‘place opportunity’ का कोड क्या है?
(1) 49kg 45lf
(2) 24ox 39mv
(3) 26ox 51gk
(4) 24ox 49kg
(5) 41sr 34vl
Q 4- What is code of ‘evolution’?
(1) 25lp
(2) 45tl
(3) 31lp
(4) 26el
(5) 20lp
Q 4- ‘evolution’ का कोड क्या है ?
(1) 25lp
(2) 45tl
(3) 31lp
(4) 26el
(5) 20lp
Q 5- What is code of ‘policy’?
(1) 45lx
(2) 22mh
(3) 50vc
(4) 15lx
(5) 20kp
Q 5- ‘policy’ का कोड क्या है?
(1) 45lx
(2) 22mh (3) 50vc
(4) 15lx
(5) 20kp
(5) 20kp
Q (6-10)- When a word and number arrangement machine is given an input line of words and numbers, it arranges them following a particular rule. The following is an illustration of input and rearrangement
Input: wimpy 50 24 84 conative fable 39 human 20 04 grease domicile.
Step - I: 84 50 24 08 11 39 22 20 04 12 09 48
Step - II: 84 04 50 24 11 39 22 20 12 09 48 08
Step - III: 84 04 50 24 11 39 20 12 09 48 08 22
Step - IV: 84 04 50 20 24 11 39 12 48 08 22 09
Step - V: 84 04 50 20 39 24 11 48 08 22 09 12
Step -VI: 84 04 50 20 39 24 48 08 22 09 12 11
Step VI is the last step of the arrangement as the intended arrangement is obtained. As per the rules followed in the given steps, find out the appropriate steps for the given input.
Input: function 80 again urgent 19 07 tightly correspond 29 38 gimpy 49 banality 68.
Step - I: 84 50 24 08 11 39 22 20 04 12 09 48
Step - II: 84 04 50 24 11 39 22 20 12 09 48 08
Step - III: 84 04 50 24 11 39 20 12 09 48 08 22
Step - IV: 84 04 50 20 24 11 39 12 48 08 22 09
Step - V: 84 04 50 20 39 24 11 48 08 22 09 12
Step -VI: 84 04 50 20 39 24 48 08 22 09 12 11
Step VI is the last step of the arrangement as the intended arrangement is obtained. As per the rules followed in the given steps, find out the appropriate steps for the given input.
Input: function 80 again urgent 19 07 tightly correspond 29 38 gimpy 49 banality 68.
Q (6-10)- एक शब्द और संख्या व्यवस्था मशीन को जब शब्दों और संख्याओं का एक इनपुट दिया जाता है तो वह प्रत्येक चरण में एक विशेष नियम का पालन करते हुए उसे व्यवस्थित करती है। नीचे एक इनपुट और पुनर्व्यवस्था का एक उदाहरण दिया गया है।
इनपुट: wimpy 50 24 84 conative fable 39 human 20 04 grease domicile
चरण - I: 84 50 24 08 11 39 22 20 04 12 09 48
चरण - II: 84 04 50 24 11 39 22 20 12 09 48 08
चरण - III: 84 04 50 24 11 39 20 12 09 48 08 22
चरण - IV: 84 04 50 20 24 11 39 12 48 08 22 09
चरण - V: 84 04 50 20 39 24 11 48 08 22 09 12
चरण -VI: 84 04 50 20 39 24 48 08 22 09 12 11
चरण -VI इस व्यवस्था का अंतिम चरण है क्योंकि प्रत्याशित व्यवस्था प्राप्त हो जाती है। उपरोक्त इनपुट में अनुसरण किये गये नियमों के अनुसार, दिये गये इनपुट के लिए उचित चरणों को ज्ञात कीजिए।
चरण - II: 84 04 50 24 11 39 22 20 12 09 48 08
चरण - III: 84 04 50 24 11 39 20 12 09 48 08 22
चरण - IV: 84 04 50 20 24 11 39 12 48 08 22 09
चरण - V: 84 04 50 20 39 24 11 48 08 22 09 12
चरण -VI: 84 04 50 20 39 24 48 08 22 09 12 11
चरण -VI इस व्यवस्था का अंतिम चरण है क्योंकि प्रत्याशित व्यवस्था प्राप्त हो जाती है। उपरोक्त इनपुट में अनुसरण किये गये नियमों के अनुसार, दिये गये इनपुट के लिए उचित चरणों को ज्ञात कीजिए।
इनपुट: function 80 again urgent 19 07 tightly correspond 29 38 gimpy 49 banality 68.
Q 6- How many steps will be required to complete the given input?
(1) Five
(2) Six
(3) Seven
(4) Eight
(5) Nine
Q 6- दिये गये इनपुट को पूरा करने के लिए कितने चरणों की आवश्यकता होगी?
(1) पाँच
(2) छः
(3) सात
(4) आठ
(5) नौ
Q 7- Which element would be at 6th position from the right end in step III?
(1) 29
(2) 38
(3) 32
(4) 07
(5) 68
Q 7- चरण III में दाएं छोर से 6ठें स्थान पर कौन सा तत्व होगा?
(1) 29
(2) 38
(3) 32
(4) 07
(5) 68
Q 8- Which step number would be the following output?
80 07 68 20 19 07 45 29 32 38 49 27 41 15
(1) Step III
(2) Step V
(3) Step II
(4) There will be no such step
(5) Step VI
Q 8- निम्नलिखित इनपुट की चरण संख्या क्या होगी?
80 07 68 20 19 07 45 29 32 38 49 27 41 15
(1) चरण III
(2) चरण V
(3) चरण II
(4) ऐसा कोई चरण नहीं होगा
(5) चरण VI
Q 9- What is the position of 27 in step IV?
(1) First from the right
(2) Sixth from the left
(3) Sixth from the right
(4) Ninth from the right
(5) Third from the left
Q 9- चरण IV में 27 की स्थिति क्यो होगी?
(1) दायें से पहली
(2) बाएं से छठी
(3) दायें से छठी
(4) दायें से नौवीं
(5) बाएं से तीसरी
Q 10- Which element is third to the left of '20' in step IV?
(1) 07
(2) 15
(3) 27
(4) 38
(5) 41
Q 10- निम्न में से कौन सा तत्व चरण IV में '20’ के बाईं ओर तीसरा है?
(1) 07
(2) 15
(3) 27
(4) 38
(5) 41
Q 1) 3
G = 7, H = 8
7 + 8 = 15 (Sum of first and last letter)
R, O, W, T = 4 (remaining letters)
(Sum of first and last letter) + (remaining letters) = 15+4 = 19
Opposite of second letter and second last letter = (r = i) (t = g)
G = 7, H = 8
7 + 8 = 15 (Sum of first and last letter)
R, O, W, T = 4 (remaining letters)
(Sum of first and last letter) + (remaining letters) = 15+4 = 19
Opposite of second letter and second last letter = (r = i) (t = g)
Q 2) 2
Q 3) 4
Q 4) 4
Q 5) 1
Q 6) 3
Method in words-
Each words are arranged in right side by their first letter and converting into number by addition of their place value of first and last letters. First we are arranged that word which has greatest place value of first letter and then that word which has lowest place value of first letter, and so forth.
Method in numbers-
Numbers are arranged in left side by largest number and then lowest number and so forth.
Q 3) 4
Q 4) 4
Q 5) 1
Q 6) 3
Method in words-
Each words are arranged in right side by their first letter and converting into number by addition of their place value of first and last letters. First we are arranged that word which has greatest place value of first letter and then that word which has lowest place value of first letter, and so forth.
Method in numbers-
Numbers are arranged in left side by largest number and then lowest number and so forth.
Input: function 80 again urgent 19 07 tightly correspond 29 38 gimpy 49 banality 68
Step I: 80 20 15 19 07 45 07 29 38 32 49 27 68 41
Step II: 80 07 20 19 45 07 29 38 32 49 27 68 41 15
Step III: 80 07 68 20 19 07 29 38 32 49 27 41 15 45
Step IV: 80 07 68 19 20 07 29 38 32 49 41 15 45 27
Step V: 80 07 68 19 49 20 07 29 38 41 15 45 27 32
Step VI: 80 07 68 19 49 29 20 38 41 15 45 27 32 07
Step VII: 80 07 68 19 49 29 38 41 15 45 27 32 07 20
Q 7) 3
Q 8) 4
Q 9) 1
Q 10) 1
Step I: 80 20 15 19 07 45 07 29 38 32 49 27 68 41
Step II: 80 07 20 19 45 07 29 38 32 49 27 68 41 15
Step III: 80 07 68 20 19 07 29 38 32 49 27 41 15 45
Step IV: 80 07 68 19 20 07 29 38 32 49 41 15 45 27
Step V: 80 07 68 19 49 20 07 29 38 41 15 45 27 32
Step VI: 80 07 68 19 49 29 20 38 41 15 45 27 32 07
Step VII: 80 07 68 19 49 29 38 41 15 45 27 32 07 20
Q 7) 3
Q 8) 4
Q 9) 1
Q 10) 1
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