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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 01-01-2020

Aditi Mahendras
The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 01-01-2020

1. UNDISGUISED (ADJECTIVE): (स्पष्टवादी) (of a feeling) not disguised or concealed; open. 

Synonyms: obvious, evident, overt 

Antonyms: hidden, imperceptible 

Example Sentence: 

She looked at him with undisguised contempt.

2. CAP (VERB): (ढका हुआ) put a lid or cover on. 

Synonyms: top, crown, cover 

Antonyms: begin, ignore 

Example Sentence: 

He capped his pen. 

3. DEMOLITION (NOUN): (विध्वंस) an overwhelming defeat. 

Synonyms: defeat, conquest 

Antonyms: building, construction 

Example Sentence: 

Ireland's demolition of England. 

4. REORIENT (VERB): (नयी दिशा) change the focus or direction of. 

Synonyms: reestablish, revamp 

Antonyms: corrupt, destroy 

Example Sentence: 

The country began reorienting its economic and social policies in 1988" 

5. HEGEMONY (NOUN): (प्रधानता) leadership or dominance, 

Synonyms: authority, command, power 

Antonyms: breach, lethargy 

Example Sentence: 

Germany was united under Prussian hegemony after 1871. 

6. BLITZ (NOUN): (बम बरसाना) an intensive or sudden military attack. 

Synonyms: bombardment, bombing 

Antonyms: let up, pause 

Example Sentence: 

Katrina and I had a blitz on the cleaning. 

7. STRATAGEM (NOUN): (छल कपट) plan or scheme, especially one used to outwit an opponent or achieve an end. 

Synonyms: plan, tactic 

Antonyms: save, spend wisely 

Example Sentence: 

A series of devious stratagems. 

8. BENIGN (ADJECTIVE): (सौम्य) gentle and kind. 

Synonyms: kindly, friendly 

Antonyms: harsh, unkind, harmful 

Example Sentence: 

His benign but firm manner. 

9.BEREFT (ADJECTIVE): (विक्षिप्त) deprived of or lacking (something).

Synonyms: wanting, in need of 

Antonyms: full, happy 

Example Sentence: 

Her room was stark and bereft of colour. 

10. DISCERN (NOUN): (पहचानना) recognize or find out. 

Synonyms: perceive, make out 

Antonyms: overlook, miss 

Example Sentence: 

I can discern no difference between the two policies.

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