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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 15-01-2020

Aditi Mahendras
The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 15-01-2020

1. COMBATIVENESS (NOUN): (लडाकुपन) eagerness to fight or argue.

Synonyms: bellicosity, militancy

Antonyms: friendliness 

Example Sentence: 

He is known for his combativeness and short temper.

2. EXTRAPOLATE (VERB): (बहिर्वेशन करना) guess or think of what is going to happen using information.

Synonyms: calculation, estimate

Antonyms: depression, distress 

Example Sentence: 

You cannot really extrapolate a trend from such a small sample.

3. PERSECUTION (NOUN): (उत्पीडन) hostile, ill treatment

Synonyms: expulsion, killing 

Antonyms: happiness, help

Example Sentence: 

They left the country out of fear of persecution.

4. REITERATING (VERB): (बार बार करना) repeat, say something again and again.

Synonyms: renew, repeat, restate 

Antonyms: take back

Example Sentence: 

She reiterated that she had never seen him before.

5. DISPARAGE (VERB): (उपेक्षा करना) criticize in a way that shows no respect.

Synonyms: decry, scorn, derogate 

Antonyms: admire, exalt, approve 

Example Sentence: 

He spoke disparagingly of his political opponent.

6. ACCENTUATES (VERB): (जोर देना) make more noticeable or prominent. 

Synonyms: emphasize, highlight 

Antonyms: camouflage, obscure, mask 

Example Sentence: 

The new policy only serves to accentuate the inadequacy of help for the homeless.

7. INTENT (NOUN/ADJECTIVE): (इरादा) intention or purpose, determined to so something.

Synonyms: decided, deep 

Antonyms: flexible, indefinite 

Example Sentence: 

The government was intent on achieving greater efficiency.

8. MARRED (VERB): (क्षति) spoil, ruin, the quality or appearance.

Synonyms: blight, bruise 

Antonyms: create, beautify 

Example Sentence: 

Violence marred a number of New Year Celebrations.

9. LEVERAGED (VERB): (उत्तोलन) action or advantage of using a lever

Synonyms: derisive, mocking 

Antonyms: believing, hopeful 

Example Sentence: 

Using ropes and wooden poles for leverage, they hauls sacks of cement.

10. STRUNG (VERB): (सख्त) hang (something) so that it stretches in a long line.

Synonyms: accommodate, adapt 

Antonyms: break, destroy

Example Sentence: 

He collected stones with holes in them and strung them on a strong cord.

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