1. OVERARCHING (ADJECTIVE): (व्यापक) comprehensive or all-embracing.
Synonyms: planetary, worldwide
Antonyms: component, individual
Example Sentence:
This is a single overarching principle.
2. IMPERIAL (ADJECTIVE): (शाही) relating to an empire.
Synonyms: royal, stately
Antonyms: common, probable
Example Sentence:
She belongs from the imperial family.
3. TROOPS (NOUN): (गतिरोध) soldiers or armed forces.
Synonyms: armed forces, combatants
Antonyms: individual, one
Example Sentence: UN peacekeeping troops are present in the rally.
4. PERIPHERY (NOUN): (उपनगर) the outer limits or edge of an area or object.
Synonyms: edge, margin
Antonyms: center, inside
Example Sentence:
New buildings on the periphery of the hospital site.
5. DETOUR (VERB): (चक्कर) to visit somewhere along the way.
Synonyms: deviation, divergence
Antonyms: agreement, normality
Example Sentence:
He had made a detour to a café.
6. SPUR (NOUN): (प्रेरणा) a projection from a mountain or mountain range.
Synonyms: activation, goose
Antonyms: block, deterrent
Example Sentence:
It's an easy walk up the spur that leads to the summit.
7. AMENITY (VERB): (सुविधाए) useful feature or facility of a building or place.
Synonyms: facility, convenience
Antonyms: damage, loss, injury
Example Sentence:
The property is situated in a convenient location, close to all local amenities.
8. MENIAL (NOUN): (सेवक) a person with a menial job.
Synonyms: unskilled, lowly, humble
Antonyms: high, moral, skilled
Example Sentence:
Because Jake never graduated from high school, he is only qualified to do menial jobs.
9. DEPICT (VERB): (चित्रित) portray in words; describe.
Synonyms: describe, detail, relate
Antonyms: hide, conceal
Example Sentence:
Youth is depicted as a time of vitality and good health.
10. DWELL (VERB): (ध्यान केन्द्रित करना) think, speak, or write at length about a particular subject especially anxiety.
Synonyms: reside, live, continue
Antonyms: move, advance, complete
Example Sentence:
I've got better things to do than dwell on the past.
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