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The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 05-01-2020

Aditi Mahendras
The Hindu Vocabulary For All Competitive Exams | 05-01-2020

1. DEFY (VERB): (अवहेलना) appear to be challenging (someone) to do or prove something.

Synonyms: challenge, contravene, ignore

Antonyms: obey, surrender

Example Sentence:

He glowered at her, defying her to mock him.

2. CANVASSED (VERB): (वोट मांगना) discuss issues

Synonyms: agitate, examine

Antonyms: ignore, neglect

Example Sentence:

Canvas or bunting screens are most effectual. 

3. ENUMERATE (VERB): (प्रगणक) mention (a number of things) one by one.

Synonyms: calculate, compute

Antonyms: conceal, estimate

Example Sentence: 

 There is not space to enumerate all his works.

4. REFERENDUM (NOUN): (जनमत संग्रह) popular vote on matter 

Synonyms: mandate, vote, plebiscite

Antonyms: suggestion, petition

Example Sentence:

The referendum has been sparingly used in matters of local concern.

5. FRAGILE (VERB): (नाज़ुक) easily broken or damaged.

Synonyms: breakable, brittle

Antonyms: robust, vigorous

Example Sentence: 

You have a fragile grip on reality.

6. ASSASSINATION (NOUN): (हत्या) the action of killing someone.

Synonyms: bloodshed, massacre

Antonyms: birth, alive

Example Sentence:

The assassination of an terrorist.

7. PRESUMABLY (ADVERB): (शायद) used to convey that what is asserted is very likely though not known for certain.

Synonyms: likely, apparently

Antonyms: doubtfully, improbably

Example Sentence: 

It was not yet ten o'clock, so presumably the boys were still at the pub.

8. DISARRAY (NOUN): (अव्यवस्था) a state of disorganization or untidiness.

Synonyms: disorder, confusion, chaos

Antonyms: harmony, neatness

Example Sentence:

Her grey hair was in disarray.

9. PROXY (NOUN): (प्रतिनिधि) the authority to represent someone else, especially in voting.

Synonyms: deputy, representative

Antonyms: atypical

Example Sentence:

Britons overseas may register to vote by proxy.

10. PYRETIC (ADJECTIVE): (ज्वरनाशक) feverish or inducing fever.

Synonyms: torrid, burning

Antonyms: damp, freezing

Example Sentence:

Aloe Vera gel is anti- pyretic as it reduces heat.


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