Dear Readers,
Mahendras has started special quizzes for SBI Clerk examination so that you can practice more and more to crack the examination. This SBI Clerk special quiz series will mold your preparations in the right direction and the regular practice of these quizzes will be really very helpful in scoring good marks in the Examination. Here we are providing you important question of English Language for SBI Clerk 2020 Exam.
1. In the following question, four words have been given out of which two words are misspelt. Choose the correct pair of words that are misspelt and mark your answer.
1. In the following question, four words have been given out of which two words are misspelt. Choose the correct pair of words that are misspelt and mark your answer.
A. Exterminatte
B. Efflorescence
C. Reffere
D. Offspring
(1) Both A and B
(2) Both B and C
(3) Both A and D
(4) Both B and D
(5) Both A and C
2. In the following question, four words have been given out of which two words are misspelt. Choose the correct pair of words that are misspelt and mark your answer.
A. Inexpliccable
B. Cradle
C. Palate
D. Omenous
(1) Both A and B
(2) Both B and C
(3) Both A and D
(4) Both B and D
(5) Both A and C
3. In the following question, four words have been given out of which two words are misspelt. Choose the correct pair of words that are misspelt and mark your answer.
A. Treacherous
B. Rigourous
C. Indispensable
D. Vetarinary
(1) Both A and B
(2) Both B and C
(3) Both A and D
(4) Both B and D
(5) Both A and C
4. In the following question, four words have been given out of which two words are misspelt. Choose the correct pair of words that are misspelt and mark your answer.
A. Chancellary
B. Itinerary
C. Maretorious
D. Sepulchral
(1) Both A and B
(2) Both B and C
(3) Both A and D
(4) Both B and D
(5) Both A and C
5. In the following question, four words have been given out of which two words are misspelt. Choose the correct pair of words that are misspelt and mark your answer.
A. Humorous
B. Ganerous
C. Populous
D. Surveilance
(1) Both A and B
(2) Both B and C
(3) Both A and D
(4) Both B and D
(5) Both A and C
6. In the following sentence there are two blank spaces. Below it five pair of words have been denoted by numbers (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). Find out which pair of words can be filled in the blanks in order to make a meaningful sentence.
The farmers deposit their————— samples to analyze the overall fertility, which assists them in using fertilizers —————
01. seeds, definitely
02. soil, effectively
03. vegetables, surprisingly
04. leaf, traditionally
05. plants, marginally
7. In the following sentence there are two blank spaces. Below it five pair of words have been denoted by numbers (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). Find out which pair of words can be filled in the blanks in order to make a meaningful sentence.
Policemen, at many places, are ——————vehicles indiscriminately, searching for money, harassing and extorting money from ———————citizens.
01. searching, notoriety
02. manipulating, respected
03. overturning, eligible
04. speeding, accused
05. stopping, innocent
8. In the following sentence there are two blank spaces. Below it five pair of words have been denoted by numbers (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). Find out which pair of words can be filled in the blanks in order to make a meaningful sentence.
The fireworks manufactured without proper——————— use hazardous chemicals including chlorate for colourful effect which may———————— accidents.
01. licenses, trigger
02. licenses, suppress
03. licenses, prevent
04. licenses, activated
05. licenses, move
9. In the following sentence there are two blank spaces. Below it five pair of words have been denoted by numbers (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). Find out which pair of words can be filled in the blanks in order to make a meaningful sentence.
In the shops where flour or wheat was ——————-for distribution, the list of ——————-was yet to be issued by the municipality.
01. available, voters
02. available, educationalists
03. available, extortionists
04. available, beneficiaries
05. available, centers
10. In the following sentence there are two blank spaces. Below it five pair of words have been denoted by numbers (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5). Find out which pair of words can be filled in the blanks in order to make a meaningful sentence.
The price of onion in the retail market continues to ——————unreasonably high as most retailers in the city are taking advantage of the—————- in supply of quality onions.
01. rest, excess
02. remain, shortage
03. delay, shortage
04. watch, excess
05. endure, excess
1. (5) The correct spellings are Exterminate and Referee
2. (3) The correct spellings are Inexplicable and Ominous
3. (4) The correct spellings are Rigorous and Veterinary
4. (5) The correct spellings are Chancellery and Meritorious.
5. (4) The correct spellings are Generous and Surveillance
6. (2) Soil, effectively (adverb) – in such a manner as to achieve a desired result.
7. (5) Stopping, innocent
8. (1) Licenses, trigger (v) – cause something
9. (4) Available, beneficiaries (n) – a person who derives advantage from something, especially a trust, will, or life insurance policy.
10. (2) Remain, shortage
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