1. OUTNUMBERED (NOUN): (अधिक संख्या): be more numerous than
Synonyms: majority, many
Antonyms: few, less
Example Sentence:
My team was outnumbered in front of the enemy.
2. OUTRAGEOUS (ADJECTIVE): (अपमानजनक): blatant
Synonyms: bold, flagrant
Antonyms: fabulous, amazing
Example Sentence:
The outrageous attack shook the nation to its core.
3. DIVISIVE (ADJECTIVE): (बांटनेवाला): causing conflicts
Synonyms: warring
Antonyms: agreeing, congruent
Example Sentence:
The divisive boss turned the employees against one other.
4. AUGMENTATION (NOUN): (वृद्धि): small step towards gain
Synonyms: accession, accretion
Antonym: subtraction, shrinkage
Example Sentence:
He was given an increment towards success.
5. INTERVENE (VERB): (हस्तक्षेप करना): disrupt
Synonyms: interpose, meddle
Antonyms: connect, combine
Example Sentence:
They intervened to stop the scuffle.
6. MAGNANIMITY (NOUN): (दरियादिली): generosity
Synonyms: chivalry, philanthropy
Antonyms: meanness, selfishness
Example Sentence:
Mukesh is known for his magnanimity.
7. TOUT (VERB):(शेखी बघारना): show off
Synonyms: proclaim, publicize
Antonyms: conceal condemn
Example Sentence:
Mohini touts her wealth and position.
8. SLOVENLY (ADJECTIVE): (लापरवाह): messy
Synonyms: disordered, disheveled
Antonyms: organized, clean
Example Sentence:
Once its slovenly clothes were washed, the dog looked quite adorable.
9. GELID (ADJECTIVE): (हिम-शीत): freezing
Synonyms: chilling, arctic
Antonym: warm, tepid
Example Sentence:
The room of the hotel was Gelid and dark while it was a scorching heat outside.
10. MASCOT (NOUN): (शुभंकर): lucky charm
Synonyms: amulet, talisman
Antonyms: repulsion, unlucky
Example Sentence:
Parinishtha is the best mascot our college has ever had.